Adam J

Janet said something about how he'd be hard to beat now that he had his suit, but they didn't give us any real specifics about what came from where that I remember.

I noticed that too. He can do telekinesis, shoot energy beams, and make energy shields, but we never really get any rational or description of any of that magic technology or its limits. I think they said or implied that he has vast experience fighting variants of the same people repeatedly so he knows what his

I meant that more as a description of why I don’t think it went over gangbusters

Okay. I did a podcast series on the Ghostbusters quartet of movies, and the thing that I will maintain until I die is that while part one was pretty bad for Ernie, it was expected due to the fact that this was a role originally written for a bigger star, and once that star didn’t take the role, his lines were reduced

I need to throw in my two cents as someone who gave up on the Marvel movies just before Civil War came out. I’ve watched bits and pieces (mostly Falcon/Winter Soldier), but as soon as the movies started to feel like the comic books to me, I gave up on them (too, as it turns out).

The greatest trick Feige ever pulled was convincing you he had a plan all along, and I say this as the biggest MCU apologist any of you know.

The entire success of Infinity War hinged on Wong giving exposition in between Strange and Stark snarking at each other over ice cream flavors.

The Tesseract and that weird goo

It feels like Quantumania was reverse engineered to introduce Kang as the next big bad of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

I don’t remember any Marvel movie with nearly as much exposition as Quantumania. There were extensive monologues about who is Kang, how did Darren become MODOK, why does everybody know Janet, and a bunch of other things. There was a lot of stopping the story to explain the plot and characters.

It’s amazing how quickly people will jump on something like this. Love and Thunder came out less than a year ago. Taika hasn’t released a movie in 8 months? He’s obviously being shut out of the industry. I mean, he’s got half a dozen upcoming projects listed on IMDB and is currently involved in three different TV

Yea and I totally get that. But as someone who never had any interest in comics, who was effectively roped into Marvel by the first Iron Man movie, I’d still be way more interested in seeing more from Tony Stark and Steve Rogers than be introduced to whoever Beta Ray Bill is. 

And not just event fatigue, but overall superhero ennui. With both Marvel and DC filling theatres with these characters and stories, it’s becoming harder and harder to find something new to say. After enough existential threats to humanity are presented and defeated, more of the same becomes stale.

Say it with me now:

It. Doesnt. Fucking. Matter.

If you want to see a bunch of blurry, weightless shapes fighting vaguely organic blobs in rain-soaked dark environments then yeah, it delivers that garbage in spades.

Eye-rollingly awful as this headline is, please consider that the AVClub is apparently now sunsetting its older content. Just try to pull up - say - season 8 episode 10 via their internal architecture. I work in the business, and this is what we call a garbage website.

(D)ismiss that shithea(D). They’re a “troll the libs” i(D)iot who thinks it’s clever to make cheap, obvious anti-(D)em jokes using the letter (D). They’re a (D)umb (D)ipshit.

I’m glad that I stopped paying attention to Marvel after Endgame. It all seems just so exhausting to keep up with anymore.

Since Google tells me the population of the U.K. is 67.33 million, I guess I’d say that less than 0.04% of the country has a stick up their...bum. Probably close to the same percentage of Americans who will complain to the FCC about Sam Smith’s performance at the Grammys, which was also calculated to get a rise out

I should have delineated between “bad people” and “actors I don’t want to watch” there

Fair enough. But the more the MCU adapts the willy-nilly slipstream continuity of comics, the less interesting any of it is, and the less it adds up to.

...and that’s why you don’t make bad licensing arrangements.