Just imagine how well it would have done if people actually cared about "Avatar!"
Just imagine how well it would have done if people actually cared about "Avatar!"
“Ok so there’s this good guy, and then he meets this other guy, and then um he has to find out whats happening and so then he goes to space and then he’s like “oh no!” and then and then”
Avatar-hate is not just a feeling, it’s a way of life. You can’t just take that away from the people!
I think the point (clumsily made) is that it’s unsurprising she can easily handle any task thrown at her, for exactly the reason you cite.
I feel like I’m back in 2009 reading this headline and article. When the Academy announced the change starting in ‘09 that they were expanding the Best Picture field from 5 films to a maximum of 10, everyone knew (as was widely commented in the media) that The Dark Knight’s omission in ‘08 was the primary catalyst for…
I don’t know anything more about Red Letter Media than the name, and certainly not enough to know if me using a term they use is enough for you to judge me as a certain type of person. But, like, it’s a pretty common term and is fairly regularly used in actual articles here and other GMO sites. You might as well say…
Pictures of Daft Punk without their helmets have actually been around for a very long time.
Eh, Middleditch has also been accused of groping the waitstaff at a club.
What I've heard about the Hadrian situation is that he was a bit too touchy-feely with young Antinous and that the boy's fatal fall into the Nile may have been due to a lover's quarrel with the Emperor, thus his extravagant grief and all the statues of the deceased.
It’s that way here too, just not as overt at least. But in general, media production has a horrible habit of making people work for free, submit pitches for free, or audition over and over again (for free, of course) often many times, before you get a chance to be paid or get on staff somewhere. No surprise that the…
I actually agree with you. I was entertained and liked it, but I also was scratching my head at the end of it as to why it’s so popular. Itsa half-hour too long and there are times past the midpoint when all the cleverness starts to run thin.
True true, but ironically their acting world seems to somehow have less of it than ours! Maybe because all their nepo babies are too busy inheriting land and titles to take on jobs.
In a weaker year, I think Cameron would have been an easy nom, but there really were a lot of good movies this year, made by some great directors. I don’t think Avatar 2 would win even if the other nine Best Picture nominees didn’t come out in 2022, but Cameron probably would have won Best Director if at least three…
RRR was not eligible for Best International Feature Film because India picked Last Picture Show as its entry for the category.
Does anybody know what, exactly, the Glass Onion and Top Gun Maverick screenplays were adapted from?
Golden Globes nominated it as a comedy. Albeit it’s funnier than The Martian, but it wasn’t Shallow Hal.
Problem is, neither one of them had a “compelling vision” for a unified trilogy.
and when Johnson took over, he thumbed his nose at everything Abrams had apparently set up, to go in his own direction... And then, when Abrams took back the wheel, I equally understand his wanting to take the series back to where he’d initially planned on it going.
There’s more to it than that. Netflix itself has revealed that they look at viewer behavior differently depending on the viewer. Netflix wants shows that do two things: bring in new customers and stop existing customers from cancelling.
Woliner stuck the landing! Paul T. Goldman is the Tár of the Florida suburban insurance cubicle set.