Adam J

I dunno about the articles so much, but this overall comment thread (not so much your OP, FWIW, which I took as a bit of harmless snark personally) is a bit of an example of something about the comments and community I’ve noticed for a while now; overall we all seem to be a lot more hostile, belligerent, and at times

It’s not intended to get Kim out of anything. Kim freely gave a confession after Jimmy rather rhetorically suggested it, and then when he discovered she had actually done it he decided to do the same himself.

In the end, as we all expected, Better Call Saul was a show about a guy who adds 80 years to his prison sentence to impress a girl.

On Mike’s scene did anyone else notice that Banks appeared to be on the verge of tears the entire time?

He turned the clock back to being Jimmy, by turning 7 years into 86. He really did it: he built a time machine.

he literally told me, ‘You guys don’t even have to do anything. I’m gonna do all the negotiating. We’re gonna be paid the same and you don’t have to think about this, Bryce,’”

I’d respect if more if they just admitted they hate democracy and think scamming people is a good thing 

That... totally makes sense.  It can’t be reforged into what they want, so it’s irredeemable, but is probably totally fine on it’s actual merits.

Some trivia that’s sor of off topic, but not really. She-Hulk and Spider-Woman were created because of tv licenses.

Given it was never intended to be a theatrical release, I don’t see the issue.

He’s not wrong. The one time a mainline Star Wars entry tried to do anything different the “fans” attacked it so much Disney put out the most generic followup you could think of and hasn’t done anything risky since.

Take this with a massive grain of salt, but I saw a report that said Zaslav got into a shouting match with other board members, as they wanted to shelve Flash indefinitely while Zaslav wants it to proceed as scheduled. He also reportedly is lukewarm about Aquaman 2 and doesn't think it will do well in the box office.

He said at the Moon Knight red carpet that they are still trying to figure out the script, but that he is still attached.

Oscar Isaac may deserve these things. “Poe” isn’t really a character though, just a name someone thought up a couple of weeks after catching part of Con Air on TV and never realized where they’d got it from.

Of all the problems with those sequels, none of them were the casting or the acting.

He can always wait for the recast in Metal Gear Solid 5.

I feel like El Camino’s sole reason for existing was to give us definitive closure on Jesse’s character, after BrBa appeared to leave him in a no-win situation with the authorities closing in on Walt, and Jesse “escaping” with only the clothes on his back and the burden of unimaginable trauma while wanted for murder

He could have said it privately or had the just thought talking to himself...just sayin’.

I’ve been seeing the odd post defending Zaslav saying “race isn’t part of it!” but like even if it isn’t why do you guys feel the need to chime in at that. It’s like you’re trying to argue that “racism isn’t the big modern problem that people say it is” even if this isn’t born out of racism I don’t understand why you

Personally, I don’t take psychic damage from trying to play a video game. I go, oh, I don’t like this. And then I stop. More platforms isn’t a bad thing, for the people who do like mobile gaming. It’s a large market,  you know?