
Probably Wildstar since it’s now F2P, I may even get into Blade & Soul. NCsoft may be getting some business from me,

This reminds me of the time I was scammed into thinking the Golden Warthog was a real thing back in Halo 2. So many stupid attempts with that damn billboard on Headlong. At least with this weapon in Destiny, Bungie confirmed it.

The COD:AW Limited Edtion for the Xbone was better looking than this PoS. Both came with 1TB though, so that’s good.

Great to finally see a Female SFV Character that isn’t scantily clothed with crazy physics in the upper body region!

Of course this had to be posted today of all days... smh

Sry, misread the title of Youtube trending games as Twitch trending games... #irrelevant2Gaming

Main reason behind Amazon Prime being in the Top 10 was because of that Amazon Black Friday... lolz.

Main reason behind Amazon Prime being in the Top 10 was because of that Amazon Black Friday... lolz.

I guess it’s true “She’s friends with a Monster”

This is what happens when you eat strawberries with the stem attached...

Awesome that Blizzard is finally doing this for one of their games. I don’t play StarCraft at all, but there’s a potential for this to spread. Once the popularity of this explodes, they may place it in their other games... HEARTHSTONE!

Never go full Crane I guess

He’s tiptoeing through the sand like he’s about to solve a Scooby-Doo mystery

1 question, is this anime a good replacement after my season of Kill la Kill ends? I’m looking for another great Fighting anime.

Charmander runs around in the grass not giving a fuck about the landscape he should be burning down with his tail... totally not realistic, lolz.

My apologies, it was Minoru Arakawa, the Nintendo of America president during the Hiroshi era before Iwata.

That’s awesome. Iwata helped them bring Tetris to a whole new level... GAMEBOY!

Everytime I see a new set of Lays Potato Chips flavor, I think of it as DLC content. “You must purchase the original Lays Potato Chip flavor in order to open this bag.”

Not a statue, it’s just stated as being a statue to the public to not scare anyone. It’s actually a real Gundam robot to protect Hong Kong from any crazy-ass monsters coming out of the Pacific. Finally, a city that’s actually taking preventive measures from all those non-fiction movies about monsters invading cities!

The way I choose which Anime I’m going to watch... whichever has the best Opening Theme for that season wins (whether it be a new series or OP#). So far, I’ve been right with best OPs having a great storyline (SAO, Kill la Kill, AoT). The only exception is that damn bicycle anime that apparently has great opening