
Man, I remember when I completed this. I had to darken my entire room so my body reacts faster to the bright lighting that comes up. After getting this, I backed up my save data to 2 memory cards due to PS2’s constant memory corruptions.

The Yugioh phrase finally makes sense, “You gotta believe in the ART of the cards!”

If I upgrade to Win 8.1 from Vista within the next couple months, will I still be able to upgrade for free from 8.1 to 10? (I know... it’s Vista... shut up, you won’t believe how many conversations I’ve had with my wife regarding PC upgrade for the past couple years)

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My favorite comes from Evo ‘11 in which PR Balrog wins against Viscant in MVC3... oh the comeback

When getting the Dragon suit in Dragon Shire, whichever hero activates the Dragon at the shrine, gets IN the suit. If the suit is destroyed, you don’t die.

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I love how Japan comes up with different ways to express rhythm in gaming. From using your feet/legs, to using hands/feet/head, and sometimes all the parts of your body. Oh japan, what will you come up with next... BTW, this was my favorite rhythm game that came from japan:

This meme needs to be used for any PS4 games that are terrible or any new DLC (like Dentiny)

I still can't believe there were DDOS attacks on the Kinguin Charity event, that's some messed up stuff!

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"Chris, this house is dangerous. There are terrible demons, ouch!"

I'd like to know more about their F2P model. Rift IMO currently has the best F2P model as an MMO (very debatable with the release of the Nightmare Tide expansion). If ESO's F2P model is just as good, I might take a crack at it. I don't wanna get into a P2W (Pay 2 Win) MMO, it's why I haven't touched other F2P games

I'm sorry, but that DICE branding really annoys me. Come on, whoever created this doesn't know that Sledgehammer Games made this game, not DICE.

I'd rather run into a Mill Druid than a Ctrl Warrior (aka Pay-2-Win)

This'll be the Far Cry of MMO's back when Far Cry was the benchmark for GFX.

Damn Blood Elves and their LMAO. Now look what you did...

I think the F2P model is exceptionally bad when it comes to mobile/casual games. F2P MMOs aren't as bad. You can still get through the game and play as you normally would, it's mostly just the costumes that'll cost you. I've been playing Rift since it became F2P and it's great. I did spend money for a costume for a

True Reaction:

Why play a real physical pay-to-play TCG when you could be playing Hearthstone: Heros of Warcraft, an FTP online TCG. Forget winning a Pokemon World Championship, Blizzcon's Hearthstone tournament late this year has a prize pool of 200k .

Oh, you mean this Anime that's been around for months now. If you're only viewing the English Dubbed version, you're doing it wrong

We all know who killed the project...

Not sure if this will happen because the game is literally called "HEARTHSTONE: HEROS OF WARCRAFT"