
When you say it like that, it sounds funny. But it didn't come across as funny at all when watching the show.

I didn't think that Jorah scene was funny or meant to be funny.

The big scene between Daisy and Ward in his last episode was the goodbye to the character, where he apologised for what Evil Ward did and she acknowledged that he may not have been inherently bad.

Fred better still be alive next season.

I love this episode sooo much! From the imperial nerds, to Wedge peeing (I din't remember ever seeing a bathroom in Star Wars) to AP-5 singing in space surrounded by glowing bugs…it was all so incredibly unexpected and wonderful.

It seemed to me that Thrawn did think there was something up with the map (he probably had a different tab open in the browser when he left, so to speak), and both he and Yularen suspected something was up before they saw Ezra's helmet. And since Thrawn's whole character is based on his ridiculous love of art, I think

It was a nice touch having Charles whistling the lumber mill theme as he was about to be sawed in half. JNH's score for this show is so much fun!

Mack's past was brought up during the Ghost Rider arc, when the Spirit of Vengeance brought up all his repressed feelings and he was left looking at a picture of Hope afterwards. It makes sense if he went straight from that to being with Yo-Yo that he would have some shit to deal with. Especially if the last few

I have enjoyed this season even more than the first. I found all the added layers gave the show some much needed excitement and fun (in a sense) beyond everything it was already doing great, and I loved all the new characters and the way they felt so naturally part of this world, but not just more of the same. I even

Well that doesn't disprove the theory by any means.

On your Andrew theory, a great one going around is that the Inhuman he turned into is Lash, and that when Daisy saw Lash transforming into a normal human, that was him reverting to Andrew mode before heading to the convenience store.

I disagree with you about the titles. I realise that it is a bit repetitive to have House in the title two episodes in a row, but apart from the season premiere "Shadows" all of the season 2 episode titles have been pretty unique and/or original, unlike the first season which had heaps of titles like "The Asset" "The