
And if we keep the electoral college we only care about people who live in 10-20 counties in 4 states. What’s your point?

“The electoral college is designed to give all of the states a voice”
I would agree with you if our voter turnout was closer to 90%.

But the fact of the matter is, the winner takes all electoral college encourages over 40% of voters to stay home because they think their vote won’t matter.

If you understand that a

The current winner takes all electoral system already kills representation for anyone in Cali/NY that votes Republican or anyone in the south that votes Democrat.

It’s an indisputable fact that the current winner takes all electoral system favors the Republican party because it gives more electoral votes per capita to

I’ll say it again. New York and California gave Hillary a lead of 4M votes. That isn’t a controlling majority. Go look at the numbers. It’s not enough to ignore the rest of the country, and that’s a completely bs theory that gets repeated endlessly.

Because it’s not true. It isn’t. I have people claiming that California and New York will dominate the national conversation, which is complete bullshit. As I’ve said before the net gain for democrats from those two states is 4M votes. Out of 124M cast across the nation for Clinton or Trump. This is not a controlling

For the record, I believe the popular vote *should* be the deciding factor. But the fact remains that it isn’t. You can’t just retroactively change the rules. I’d fight like hell to see that it goes away eventually (That is going to take a lot of work), and I’m not going to hypocritically hide behind something that I

I want the EC killed. But if the majority of people in Pennsylvania vote for trump, then under this system the EC members of Pennsylvania should (and will) vote for Trump, because that’s what the people in that state chose.

It’s not a democracy. No really, when you get down to it we don’t have a democracy. If we followed the popular vote we’d be a democracy. We’re a republic. There’s a difference.

The one has nothing to do with the other.

It’s known as arguing in the alternative, and it’s perfectly valid.

It’s basic empathy and all of these asshats claim they have it but they don’t understand what it means. It’s more than “Look, I understand it’s hard, but...” That “but” is the gateway to cluelessness.

And even then, it depends on which family member it is. Trust me on this one.

Uh, because money. Who do these policy changes benefit? The same people who fund Republican election campaigns. A classic “you scratch my back, I scratch yours, we both screw over all the little people” deal.

Its the Just World Fallacy and a cognitive negativity bias. Look them up. They basically explain the entire GOP establishment.

George Takei recently shared a spin on “They came first for the Communists” that I find fitting. It went something like:

Man, we really don’t talk about this enough. There are 13M Americans that drive (cabs, trucks, delivery) full time for work. Many of these jobs provide a steady middle class wage to low and intermediate people willing to work hard.

Amen. We all — and I do mean all — need the bright light of facts to check this horrible man’s BS.

And this, ladies and gents, is the only thing people with any sense should be able to agree on.

Heaven for-fucking-bid that an automotive blog get out in front of a political story that is directly at the heart of the American automotive industry and which they can talk about with knowledge, depth, and most importantly, specific knowledge of models, plants, and a history of tracking where vehicles are slated to

Reality will still continue bitch slap most of blue collar America regardless who is in power. The culprit isn’t China, its automation.