
Man... That escalated quickly. I will say, the key to a good burger is protecting the bread from all the wet mess between the top and bottom bun. Therefore, cheese against one bun, and a very thin layer of mayo on the other seems to me to be the best plan to form a guard against moisture (and by thin, I mean thin -

“That man is a blight on our countreh. He’s a terrible human bein’. I wouldn’t cross the road to stomp him out... Oh, but of course I’ll vote for what he wants in Congress. I am a gentleman, after all.” - Shorter version of everything Lindsey Graham has said and done since 2015.

How about this: A game like GTA V with Peter, Miles and Gwen all as playable characters you can switch between as you want? Throw in that switching character mechanic with some of the combo sort of moves from Arkham Knight, with a multi-player option...

Didn’t have it quite that bad. Our house, built in ‘49, had a galvanized steel water main. That rusted, so the previous owner ran copper out and spliced in past where the rust had made it leak. Twice. When the third time happened after we owned the house, it was at the city junction box, so we had to do it the right

My parents had a tree root crack a sewar pipe too, and flood their basement. Imagine that joy. There was carpet. Enough said.

Also known by it’s Yankee name “diabetes.”

In a pimp’s cup?

An image you’ll never have to update.

I completely agree. I worked for a company that had a “No PTO PTO policy” where the rule was “work it out with your team.” They mad a big deal of how we’re all responsible adults. But there was also an “if it becomes a problem we’ll reevaluate” clause in the handbook. So everyone was really protective of this policy,

The point is we don’t have facts. We have reports. We have the reporting of the Times and the Post and they’re generally considered to be well supported, but without the evidence itself from which they are writing, she doesn’t want to say that it’s time to move forward. We have allegations and we have suspicions and

The first game was good when it came out, but it really shows it’s age, and it can be hard to get all the way through. The second one was much better, but still a little too linear for my taste. The third is much better. It’s open world and some of the stories in it are much more sophisticated.

I’ve read all the books and this is a YASSSS! There are a few differences (mostly in that his relationship with Yen is even more stormy in the books, and his relationship with Triss is a smaller part than in, especially the first 2, games). If you really want to get a consensus view, and don’t want to read the books

Having read all the books that have been translated to English and being a huge fan of the games as well, I’d have to say that the games were respectful of the books and the world that was created. I would expect Geralt to look more or less like he does in the games. Although not hearing Doug Cockle’s voice will be

This moron can’t play chess. But I hear Czernobog would like a game of checkers.

George Washington explicitly warned against the danger of partisanship. Unlike most of the rest of the world, we have a first past the post, winner take all system. It’s also not a parliamentary system. Those two things, together, ensure that we have a 2 party system.

Each of the branches is checked by the other 2.

There’s 2 steps to amend the Constitution.

Now playing

There’s a really good video by Vox explaining the process, since there seems to be a lot of confusion here.

AG doesn’t have to bring charges. He can’t, actually. The House has to. Impeachment is basically passing a law that the president doesn’t have to sign, but 66% of senators have to vote for.

The mechanism of impeachment is slow to fire in many ways. First, it requires someone in the house to introduce articles of impeachment and for the speaker to schedule a vote (which means, Paul Ryan has to actually go along with the effort). Second, a simple majority of congressmen have to vote for it (a steep climb