
“The peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if

Boondocks remains one of the 2 most insightful and cogent commentaries on race relations...

The taxes aren’t illegal. If you get a paycheck in the U.S., it has FICA taken out. Those payroll taxes are all legal. Just because you aren’t supposed to be here, that has nothing to do with it. We have a system of voluntary taxation in that you report what you should pay to the IRS, rather than them billing you or

Also, lunch programs are large programs that feed hundreds of kids. The additional cost of, say, an absurd 5% of them being illegal immigrants are more or less swallowed by the economies of scale.

There aren’t 3 million immigrants with criminal records, and of the immigrants with criminal records, lots of those are for fairly minor sorts of crimes. I don’t know that I think splitting up a family by deporting Dad for committing nuisance level crimes (say, public intoxication for drinking a beer, or diving with

Undocumented workers pay into medicare, social security and workers comp taxes. They pay a lot of payroll taxes. However, when they retire, they can’t get social security. They can’t get medicare. They can’t get workers’ comp if they are hurt on the job. Most Americans who pay into those system can take advantage of

You might be thinking of the apocryphal “The U.S. spent thousands designing a pen for space and the USSR used a pencil” story? When you ask actual astronauts, who have been to space, about that (and cosmonauts who have been to space for the USSR), they’re emphatic that a pencil is a bad choice. The dust from the

Biking for miles to work in >85 degrees and 80+% humidity in the summer is a sweaty endeavor. Biking miles to work in <15 degrees and high winds sucks in winter. That leaves the seasons of construction and mosquito in the midwest as reasonable times to bike to work. (We have 4 seasons: Construction, Boiling, Mosquito

Put yourself in their place. For years, they keep hearing that the only way they’ve made a living, and the only think that kept their community alive, is bad. It’s killing the environment. She’s going to put the nail in it’s coffin, and by extension, your community’s coffin. And she’s not offering any other ideas to

He also addressed their economic anxiety. He addressed how, culturally, white rural (especially) men are often marginalized. Think about this: when was the last time a white rural person appeared in any pop culture you consume as anything but comic relief or a character to be mocked? A rural accent has become an easy

There are more commonalities between poor urban black people and poor rural whites than either like to admit. Poor rural whites didn’t get “one of their own.” They got a rich, corrupt, white, urban businessman. However, he got them on his side because he recognized that democrats have long since stopped trying to

This is so true. I don’t understand why democrats can’t come up with a real program to offer people in these communities. We have problems that these people in small towns can help us solve. Factory towns with abandoned factories? We need someone to help process and shape steel, concrete, and the other nuts and bolts

If I send you an e-mail, you don’t accept it, right? You just get it and are stuck with it. If you have a way to keep me from getting an e-mail I don’t want, the anti-Spam industry really wants to talk to you.

The not so false equivalence is that it’s so stupid. Again, it was a question from someone in Flint, asking at a Flint event, about water quality and protecting people from abject stupidity. And she thought that is was worth losing her job(s) and dinging Clinton’s campaign to pass on this most obvious of questions.

True, but “Someone in a Flint Michigan ‘ask the candidates’ setting is going to ask about lead poisoning and what you’ll do to make it better,” is kind of obvious. If you couldn’t see that coming, you don’t really deserve to be a candidate (or on a candidate’s debate prep team).

Also... We’re losing PSYCH people!