
Forgot about Koechner!

Paul Rudd, Jason Sudekis, and Rob Riggle are all from the same suburb. Fun fact.

god dammit lol

Gamergate is literally one giant temper tantrum.

I was doing some day drinking with some friends this weekend, enjoying the beautiful weather, when a pal's brother showed up. He ordered a Heineken, and I actually got a little upset at him. My face kind of contorted as the words came out of his mouth, forming a look I can only describe as my "da fuck?!" face.

That's Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle to you, chump

Outside is scary.

Ha nice

Definitely Syracuse, and maybe even Indiana, would take exception to that claim.

I fucking loved it. My jaw was on the floor every second he was on screen.

I visitied Wisconsin for my first time back in August, and the bartender at the Newsroom Pub (what a weird place...) said Spotted Cow was the beer I had to try. Fine beer, but every other Wisconsin beer I tried that weekend was better than Spotted Cow. "Just some cream ale" perfectly describes it.

Only person I've ever seen at a show wearing equipment that is worn in a combat sport before. And I've been to plenty of shows. Me, I prefer a Hanes T I won't mind tossing in the trash and some shorts. But to each his own.

A head snapping to the ground is a harrowing sound. I was at a Hatebreed concert a few years ago when some 230+ pound shirtless asshole (wearing MMA gloves too, for some dumb fucking reason) tried to stage dive into the crowd. I was about 25 feet away and could hear it. Thankfully he could get up and walk away.

Will - I've only had Green Flash's Palette Wrecker before. How does this one stack up in comparison?

"A few San Francisco 49ers fans got in an ugly fight"

I'm belly-laughing right now

Want to have a great time with some ND fans? Bring up Lizzy Seeberg.