
I fucking hate those sick passengers. If you feel like you're about to puke, faint or have violent diarrhea, you know what you should NOT do? Board a subway train.

Excellent post. For four years, I was in a relationship with a guy who was exceptionally beautiful. (I'm a gay man.) I do just fine in terms of attracting others, but people couldn't even see me when I was next to him. They literally stepped over to me to get to him. It drove me crazy, especially because I noticed his

There is nothing more passive aggressive than calling someone and not leaving a voicemail. As a rule, I never call these people back.

How do I know if I'm an approved commenter, on Jezebel or any other Gawker sites? Once upon a time, I was starred. Then I turned grey. Now I'm unsure as to what my value is as a human being.

My God, people are awful.

What an utter horror.

I may be the only person in America who doesn't find Chelsea Handler remotely funny or endearing. To me, she's just the rude, annoying bitch at the dinner party that you wish you hadn't gotten sat next to.

...said someone who's never spent a single day here.

Yeah, this is some really minor retouching. Aspiring actors do far more to their own headshots then Vogue has done to Dunham here. Chill the fuck out.

For some reason, the sock strikes me as the weirdest of all. Even if you liked feeling weird stuff in your butt, why a sock? And how would you even get it so far up there that you couldn't pull it out yourself?

OMG, what a face!

I don't see a photo.

Thank you. She's actually bigger than she looks in pictures. About 25 lbs. And yes, very sweet.

Yes, all the time.

And she does.

Yeah, the chihuahua must have been the dad.

This is Lady, my two-year-old rescue. She's an accident of nature — a chihuahua crossed with a basenji. And she's just about perfect, in my opinion.

Thanks. Now why don't you try reading the entire article above?

Thank you, and God bless you.

There is no "other side." Any reasonable human being believes sexual assaults of any kind are unacceptable and should be punished to the fullest extent. But that doesn't mean we punish an entire town for the acts of a few or distort the facts of the case to create additional "concern" for the victim. When we do that,