
Did you get a preview of the episode or something? Because if not, you're a goddamned prophet!

That sounds like a smart dramaturgical move. But surely what he'll find is the letter from Robb legitimizing Jon? What other document could there be?

Why do you think that? (This may be a point where the books & the show differ. But if it's going to play as pivotal a role as I think it will, the show will have to bring it in somehow.)

Thank you!

Not sure about Jon having the best claim to the throne. IIRC, Rhaegar died before Aerys II, so the line of succession would automatically pass to young siblings before any offspring of Rhaegar.

Sorry, when I said "Cersei", I didn't mean in her role as Queen but in her role as Queen Mother, whispering in Tommen's ear. Because surely enough time has passed since Stannis' death for her to have given it to someone, no? The same way she "gave" Riverrun to the Freys? "Go and take the castle and it's yours."

I find it absurd that the Lannisters would let a perfectly good castle go unused, especially since (like Harrenhal or Winterfell) it can be used as a carrot to reward loyal underlings.

Would Dragonstone really be left empty, though? After Stannis' defeat, wouldn't Cersei have given it to a loyal follower as a reward?

I was also at the screening, and saw that same woman! I felt like a rank amateur in her presence.

I never beat Battletoads.

I can't believe someone hasn't answered Todd's question: the maester who treats Jaime is Qyburn, one of Vargo Hoat's mob who gets picked up by Roose Bolton because he's a decent doctor/surgeon. This is, I believe, his first appearance in the books (or close to it) and the first appearance in the show.

YES! I even assumed it was a mistake and loaded up a different  streaming version to check. It wasn't. I'll check on HBO Go next.

Sorry, which parallel Marvel universe are we living in where The Sting gets the same grade as Prometheus?

Sorry, which parallel Marvel universe are we living in where The Sting gets the same grade as Prometheus?

I just had a thought that might explain things (and before I start, let me say that I hated the movie as much as the next guy. But I don't like loose ends in my brain, so I'm desperately trying to tie some of them up.)

I just had a thought that might explain things (and before I start, let me say that I hated the movie as much as the next guy. But I don't like loose ends in my brain, so I'm desperately trying to tie some of them up.)

@avclub-4dae7032e72753a6c9d24a71307f561f:disqus @avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus 
And, as the boys over at Redlettermedia pointed out, if all life comes from their DNA, then why is there so much genetic diversity on the planet?

@avclub-4dae7032e72753a6c9d24a71307f561f:disqus @avclub-b438f33d120fae67d78ea4cbe43de909:disqus @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus 
And, as the boys over at Redlettermedia pointed out, if all life comes from their DNA, then why is there so much genetic diversity on the planet?

Six months, hell, I'll have forgotten all about this by next week!

Six months, hell, I'll have forgotten all about this by next week!