
Boxing and your wife's orgasms?

I'm a Jaguars fan AND a wrestling fan. There's not a number for the circle of Hell I suffer in.

Great point. But, to be fair, I don't think anyone should be asked to watch a Jets game from beginning to end.

My pop culture weekend consisted of me watching nothing but 20+ year old episodes of The Simpsons. I regret nothing.

Doesn't Santa's Little Helper make that endless loop "unpossible"?

The First Amendment protects all speech, but the story of this movie is technically "political". .

The film is protected by The First Amendment, period.

Not if Fox News gets their way.

I actually liked the pilot. It served it's purpose. It has me interested enough to watch another episode. Critiquing the pilot of a show of this size and scale is like rating a movie by what you saw half way through the first act.

I swear to God, if they make this before they make a Deadpool movie I will lose my shit.

"I'd like to speak to your manager."
…."No, not her, the other one, the one with the tongue stud"

David Tennant?

Mmmmm. Sand Snakes.

I hope Charles Dance comes back for Jaime's chapters during Tywin's funeral. The indignity of the great lion's funeral was very ironic and I really enjoyed Jaime's development as a character during that part. I hope they can find a way to format it for TV.

If they leave out the Tysha plot line but somehow find a way to have Tyrion ride a fucking pig, I may very well lose my shit.

Varys was like, "Tryion,we must go down this way. Oh, but if you look to your right, you'll see that this ladder will lead you to Tywin and to revenge, but you wouldn't want that at all would you?"

Ooh. I never even considered that. Sleepy Mountain Hollow.

We never knew for certain it was the mountain. But we could assume from the books that Ser Robert Strong was, in fact, FrankenMountain.

You never go full Derek.

I thought the same thing until after The Purple Wedding and then I had to read the books and was glad I did. It's so much more detailed and a more rich, compelling story with several archs that aren't even covered in the show. It will give you a much better impression of the story as a whole.