Adam Porter

I had someone recently on Twitter insist to me that America is the greatest country on the planet. I can’t see how anyone can hold that opinion.

I don’t disagree with your statement

Ah yes, I misunderstood what they were saying. I imagine the NFT will have a serial number on it though, which corresponds to the same serial number on the physical statue though.

Two individuals can’t own the same NFT, or so I’m lead to believe from reading about them far too much

I have a PowerA Xbox controller with rear buttons. They absolutely help, as I have RB and LB mapped to them. That way I can keep my index fingers on the triggers and my middle fingers on the rear buttons, which feels much better.

It may not have pay to win microtransactions -- but as with most free to play games I’m pretty sure they’ll be “pay to enjoy yourself”.

I got Steep free somehow on PC a while ago and enjoyed it. Then when Riders Republic was announced, it took a while, but I finally bought into the hype. Steep feels like a finished game with something of a coherent story, while Riders Republic feels like a sandbox tech demo with the bones of a story and

It wouldn’t have happened had he not been drunk, right? /s

And what is actual camp? Camp is just as much an artistic choice as anything else, in my opinion.

Notice I said that I’ve seen several videos talking about it being problematic. Those videos came from Muslims saying it is. My understanding comes from Muslim sources. While I know the writers of Ms Marvel are also Muslim, my point still stands that it seems they backtracked on the labeling.

Not directly related to the finale, but it seems someone connected to the show realized calling Kamala a Jinn was a bad idea. I’m not Muslim myself but I’ve seen several videos talking about how that particular “mythology” is very problematic.

Wandavision sort of inferred that her powers were a part of her prior to being experimenting on her, like the bangle triggering Kamala’s powers. It feels like they were leaning into Wanda being a mutant without explicitly being able to say so.

Yeah, I’m in the same boat. This movie clearly looks like it’s being made to be goofy camp, with an old fashioned style. It’s not meant to be high cinema.

It’s going straight to streaming, so no ticket sales will likely be bought

I came here just to ask that too. Her head looks to be nearly the size of her entire torso, and I’m pretty sure that’s not just a weird photography perspective thing.

I’m a Chicagolander by birth and through several family links. I see so many people online hostile toward ketchup and I just don’t understand it either. You can choose not to like it while letting others enjoy it.

I understand what you’re trying to say BUT a hot dog with relish and ketchup is literally my ideal hot dog

You can probably still get a refund

It would be approximately 120 discs

The fact that TF2 still has a userbase still worth discussing surprises me. I briefly enjoyed it about 10 years ago and haven’t given it much thought since.