Adam Pasztory

For me, Season episodes 9 and 10 are two of the best episodes of Homeland. But after that, Season 4 does kind of end with a whimper. And season 5 never reaches the same heights. Season 5 has too many side stories that don't amount to much.

Hm. I thought the second half of season 4 was really strong. If you mean the last episode of season 4, then I can see why you didn't like it. They did go in an unexpected, anti-climatic direction. And a lot of the dangling threads from season 4 were not resolved.

if you didn't like 4, you probably won't like season 5 of Homeland.

I thought the "incident" was the Ultron takeover in Avengers 2. But I guess it doesn't really matter…

No. I 've enjoyed Arrow much more than Flash this season.

I give it an A. An epic start to the season. This premiere ran circles around the Flash premiere. It's great to see Team Arrow working together, and Damian Dark is a formidable foe. This ranks among my top 5 favorite episodes of Arrow.