Adam Noah

I really like Zoom Player. I don't know why it gets so little coverage, but its a great player and has alot of features. It supports any media you throw at it and you can re-configure the codecs to your liking (maybe too advanced for beginner users).

CD's and DVD's are both DIGITAL. They are not analogue recordings, but rather physical media that hold digital content. Cloud, streaming, and and other locker services provide you access to the SAME digital files, but without the necessity for physical media. I wish the media would quit using the term digital to

This is not true. Ask any Japanese person who has worked in a restaurant. They get paid say 700 Yen per hour - and there is no tip system. They get paid for hours worked. There is no payout at the end of the night. You get paid for hours worked and that's it.

PC gaming has really surpassed consoles by the end of the ps3/360 generation. Steam, Good Old Games, Humble Bundle and GASP, Origin even make PC gaming dead simple. A vanilla MacBook Air is all you need to play PC games these days and that's even overkill for lots of decent games. You cite exclusives as a reason to

I'll stick with the WRX for Wagons.

No prob — glad to help! I notice myself using WAY more Yahoo! content (sports, news, weather) now than ever as well. I wonder if Google will regret this decision in the future?

Im not sure why you think there is no generic RSS widget on - you jsut get the url of the rss feed and add it. Also, it supports drag and drop for organization.

Or use your brain....

These apps are all pretty good, and I use some of them, but amazing they are not. Amazing is the fact that humans were able to land on the moon. More amazing is that we have not mapped the ocean floor in detail. Equally amazing is the fact that DNA is self replicating. These things are amazing. Simple software is

How is this easier to parse than the actual Steam interface? Have to disagree.

No they didnt make cut the rope — Zeptolabs did.

Now playing

I also really liked this place much better than the one you are showing — menu is in Japanese only tho — this one has 2 levels — one traditional kaiten sushi and the other made to order on the shinkensen!!

Now playing

Japan has many of these silly engineering aspects to daily life — here is another fun one.

Goto Shinju 2 in Park Slope in Brooklyn, NY. Its even better and the same price.

Try NYC — very similar "kaiten" sushi places are all over the place.

Tokyo is not even close to the most expensive city in the world anymore. There has been no inflation there for almost 20 years. The same starbucks coffee that was 440 yen 15 years ago is still 440 yen — try that in NYC!! Tokyo is currently WAY cheaper than NYC now, and I am thinking to actually buy real-estate

Go to Japan and see how a system works with no tipping. It is MUCH superior to the western system. The wait staff is usually much more qualified and polite even without tips.

I lived in NYC for many years, and always noticed the tracks here and there above ground when out on runs in Red Hook, but never thought much about it. These pictures are pretty cool, but as I am in Japan right now, I can see trains everywhere above ground in Tokyo. Basically, people aren't so dumb as to step in

I travel to Japan from NYC 3 times per year, and I find the solution is this: 1.) No sleep the night before the flight; 2.) when you arrive in Japan, start to have beers as soon as possible, but do not goto sleep until the locals do. You should have enough beer to keep you from waking up at 3-4AM on the first night.