Blacula Goldstein

I don’t even know what this story is about, but people are saying they weren’t offended, they just thought she looked ridiculous. Seems like either you’re baffled by English or you’re just looking to be offended by people being offended.

Twitter decided he was alt-right.

Yeah, I find it baffling that the “Bring back the REAL Ghostbusters!” crowd is looking at this twee bullshit and thinking this is the answer to their prayers.

Eh. Gadot obviously got it worse, since Whedon is a coward who picks on women, but none of this would have come out if it wasn’t for Fisher. When you’re in the middle of a dysfunctional, tension filled job where harassment is happening all around you, maybe you take some micro-aggression that you would normally ignore

I don’t know how people square their moral righteousness of looking for shit like this to get upset about. I didn’t know this movie even existed, I’m barely aware that Jaime Kennedy exists, His career is basically non-existent, so why care about what role he takes so he can pay his rent? It’s not some beloved icon

It’s very weird to let Snyder do Justice League, reap the hype and awareness of it, then cancel every film lined up that can be associated with it other than Aquaman and (maybe) Wonder Woman. Superman, Aquaman Spin-off, New Gods and, it sounds like, probably Flashpoint, as well are all gone.

It’s in the middle for me. The last half hour is all action and amazing, but the rest is terrible. I don’t expect a lot of plot and logic out of a giant monster movie, but this movie is just incredibly stupid.

Ron Funches is the only acceptable answer for King Shark.

Yeah, of course it’s negligent, probably criminal and you could definitely put it before a court. I’m not arguing that. But it’s not attempted murder by any stretch of the definition and this need to sensationalize stories to the Nth degree actually hurts the ability to view it as serious as it is. This story is

Jesus fucking Christ, Perkins. Did you seriously just equate a shitty testing program to attempted murder? This kind of over the top hyperbole and intellectual dishonesty doesn’t help anything. Just report the shitty facts and people will get mad. The satire level hysteria just turns the average person away without

Any college that participates in Division 1 sports should receive a dime of tax dollars and they should be required to uphold certain academics in order to participate, just like their student are. The NCAA is a corrupt organization that should be dismantled.

She’s about as feminist as Hugh Hefner and her lazy racist rhetoric was purely self centered whining and attention seeking. 

I have no problem with her fake backstory or “Gangster Nancy Sinatra” shtick. If you like her music, I don’t know why that would matter. It’s just that at this point, everything about her is exhausting, as is the Bill Burr level of people waiting around for her to do something to pounce on her for. 

I think she just enjoys trolling everyone because she knows you’re all dumb enough to continue bitching about her and keeping her name in the news. Her entire career has been a marketing scam, her Kardashian watching, wannabe Instgram influencer fans are dummies who eat it up and you pearl clutchers keep her famous.

They’re “taking away his power”, so they say. Not sure how splashing his name and visage on a mainly left leaning readership is anything but signal boosting but, you know, lazy snark is lazy snark.

I’m sorry, but this is a “you reap what you sew” moment. We have been headed in this direction as a society for quite awhile. People have warned that if we keep cheering on social media witch hunts, that eventually people are going to start getting ruined for smaller and smaller things and people who think they are on

Ecxctly. This is what’s so hilarious about these situations. Obnoxious, controversial twits like her and Piers Morgan are hired precisely because they are obnoxious and controversial, which gets ratings. Culture shifts and these dinosaurs are no longer welcomed by the public, so the networks act surprised and like

Yeah, poorly worded on my end, I guess. I didn’t really take the Pepe Le Pew thing seriously. Just seemed like one outrage junkie/attention seeker trolling people and the right overreacted like they did with the Potato Head non-story.

Gabriel Iglesias has already been talking shit about how Speedy isn’t getting cancelled (he does the voice this time) and Mexicans always defend the character when white people try to cancel him.

I mean, the timing is pretty bad, but you’re right. This is the left’s version of Pepe Le Pew.