Adam FTW

I had a manual ‘04. No idea which one it is. (Wikipedia tells me it was an SG). I can, however, tell you it was a 2nd gen forester.

I’m having a hard time choosing between these, so I’m just going to post them both. 

It’s on its way already, but the clownshoe Z3/ZM are going to be stupidly high in the next 10 years for good examples.

Sure sounds like how California is. Our sales tax at 9.5% in LA. That is as much as profit margin for a good business. Then you got million dollar property tax and personal income tax on the highest salary in the nation. Plus we got one of the largest economy in the world.

Or how fat the public employee pensions are.

0-100 time with the Golden Eagle on the trailer.

Why buy that when they made these? Throw some go fast bits at it and make it the barge you need!

That does not look like a shifter position that encourages spirited driving. This thing has “why” or “WTF” written all over it.

The first gen was the only one that did it right IMO. Manual option, light(ish) weight, actually kinda fun to drive. Not to mention the fuel economy. I had a buddy who would get in the low 60s mpg around Boston and on trips up north it would get almost 70 mpg. To my knowledge that is better than any highway capable

1 less RS to blow a head gasket

Jalponik is one of the last to do a write up on this guy. He’s been getting blasted by the media for decades.

I always saw Jeeps as affordable, utilitarian vehicles. It was the hip, all-terrain vehicle. Rich or poor, you could have a reliable car for the snow, sand dunes, mountain ranges, hauling, and (most importantly) US mail delivery.

25% off MSRP for a 4MY-old vehicle?

They’ve changed a T intersection with unmarked turn areas into a three way intersection at odd approach angles and no turn lanes. The intersection wasn’t set up right in the first place but it’s now a new kind of wrong with its own problems.

Oh good, all the soccer moms in my neighborhood will have something new to load up with pointless off-road mods to get their kids to school in.

The cop that pulled him over

As one of the few people who doesn’t turn on adblock for Jalop, I’m probably the only person who has seen this. Apparently, your IT decided to overlay an ad screen atop the Youtube video, however they forgot to pause the Youtube video while the ad plays. So, I had the sound of an Agera R accelerating while a silent ad


That 944 was doing fine until the jerk in the forklift swamped it with a giant wave.

Seen recently at work parking lot.