hehheheh - you said 'trim'..... Pretty sure the French don't go there.
Thanks for the hattip, Michael. Glad I could share!
Or how long until it ends up in a ditch.
Disassembled in 3 minutes eh? I've not seen a completed lego creation in my house that I couldn't step on, barefoot, in the dark at 3AM and completely disassemble instantly. After picking the sharper lego pieces out of my foot, and explaining what happened to the X wing fighter to my son, both of us mourn in silence.
I think this recently covered crash rivals it.
I wish it were "Silence the Sound Track" so we could hear or not hear the cars instead of music out of a can.
I love how the driver casually got out of his car, put his hands on his hips, and checked out the front of his car before proceeding to check on the asshole biker.
IIRC, this car was the only car at it's time to have wider front tires than rear tires off the production line... 8" in the front and 7" in the rear, the opposite of what this video says.
The driver didn't deserve this. Best part about conceal and carry is being able to put a stop to things like this... (and hopefully not get killed in the process)
Shit like this makes me mad. Who the fuck are you to destroy someones property like that. Fucking brats who use an accident as an excuse to act out.
Jeebus. Yes, she definitely hit someone. Yes, that was definitely bad.
Lesson here is that hoodrats prevent us from having nice things. There was a normal, civil way of taking care of this. The hoodrat way wasn't it.
All this video reminds me is how awesome last generation's large super-sedans were. When was the last time we had not one, but TWO four door sedans with high performance V10s on the market?
It seems like CAR Magazine has managed to get some crisp images of the brand new 2014 BMW M3 before its "concept"…