Oh, yikes!
Oh, yikes!
Jeff Garlin should play Weinstein.
I hate to sound insensitive because I was a fan of her acting, Election is one of my favorite movies and she was one of my favorite parts of it. But her obituary mentions she was a “naturopathic practitioner” which it needs to be said is not recognized as a legitimate medical profession, it relies on pseudoscience,…
I remember as a Lost fan being on the message boards, knowing about him being on Cane was frustrating at the time because we knew he was supposed to have this big arc on Lost that they teased in the third season but then he was busy with this other show and was mostly absent from the fourth. So we all rejoiced when…
Nope, this is the revised edition with “Always” in its place. Those dozens with the CD that has “Steve” can rest easy.
I think the right move would be to hand those characters over to Kevin Michael Richardson who’s been a longtime regular voice for incidental characters but has never really been given a major character.
I could not disagree more with this review. This movie is an absolute masterpiece.
Wait, so this isn’t the Disney Plus movie based on the YA novel by Jerry Spinelli?
Pretty much every Danger Mouse production sounds like Broken Bells.
Not sure if anyone else here has watched Alison Pregler’s hilarious Baywatching recap series on YouTube (or the original Baywatch in general) but in that moment, all I could think of was David Hasselhoff and his son conversing about how much they love A&W cream soda.
I didn’t know Coulson was killed off (I haven’t watched in a while but I’d like to catch up with it again) but I think that confirms that the producers of the MCU never had any intention of writing his resurrection into the continuity of the movies, I guess they didn’t want to have to explain it to people who haven’t…
The Sopranos - The Second Coming, Blue Comet, Made in America
Brian Wilson did a pretty good version of this song a few years back in a very Beach Boys like arrangement.
I don’t think so. Townshend hasn’t been seen in a while but I think he’s just taking some time off. I just saw Daltrey do Tommy over the summer. It was actually at Bethel Woods, the original site of Woodstock. He was backed by an orchestra, it was a really cool show. His voice has held up incredibly well.
There are some acts from the original Woodstock still around. The Who, Joan Baez, Santana, CSNY, John Fogerty... if they get those guys alone, it would be worth going. If they’re just using the Woodstock name and getting mostly contemporary acts, I don’t really get what the point is...
If it does come back, they should make Nancy McNally (Anna Deavre Smith) the President. She was a badass.
I once had a dream that they brought back The Sopranos but now it was all centered on AJ and Meadow with Edie Falco making occasional guest appearances. When I woke up, I wondered why I came up with such a shitty idea for a TV show.
Listening to the underrated Beach Boys album, Carl and the Passions “So Tough” on which he played a significant part in his honor. In particular, he co-wrote with Dennis Wilson the gorgeous ballad “Cuddle Up” which closes the album.
There was also the Disney TV movie Geppetto starring Drew Carey which became a running joke on Whose Line Is It Anyway.