
The banshee Sith was trying to get her saber back. She was hardly helpless, but killing her seems like a bad solution


Labyrinth of Evil also covered that business, AFAIK. That novel had it in the last days of the war though, due to it being relatively new information for the writers. Brotherhood has it in the first few weeks or so of the war, before the 3D series begins

It’d probably help if websites like this stopped hounding for “first gay character!” headlines, and then every person on social media takes the bait

if only that standard were held to literally any other entertainment corporation when they make pride brand tweets, on this cursed earth

having read Republic, it’s got some good moments, though it can be pretty 2000s at times. Supertalkative Durge (who didn’t talk in the microseries) was not one of them

that is the first three-episode arc of a seven season series (stitched together so that it could be put in theaters). no need to lift up one thing while putting down another

how much of TCW have you seen

in what world was the OT planned out? how does setting things in stone make movies better?

first comment already got 5 likes for it. already off to a great start :)

people in these replies really are getting worked up over a short story in an anthology book that is not always even “serious”, let alone “canon”

I can’t tell if you’re joking or not

...You realize the EU was always its own continuity right? George has said as much. And these books are written for the anniversary of their respective movies. They’re not always serious or even necessarily “canon”. Relax.

Reading the issue myself, I assumed that what we see of Grand may not necessarily be him, similar to what we see in the Lothal temple; and that the flames surrounding him were more like what we see of the illusion of Darth Bane in TCW than the flames that killed him.

lol “wiping the slate clean”. you can still buy and read or play all of it and enjoy it as its own continuity. go outside and get some fresh air

I don’t think it was ever intended to be his spirit, but rather a Cave of Evil-like vision. Rebels Recon suggested that Yoda was the one who caused it.

(the sequels were his idea)

fairly certain they drew inspiration from Johnston as well

jesus dude, find a new hobby

quiet, you