Adam JK

Damn it, I tried. Welp, I guess I need to go watch Four Falls of Buffalo and weep again.

I just read "No One Writes to the Colonel" by Gabrial Garcia Marquez, and one of the themes is the idea that the revolutionaries who won Colombia its freedom are entirely incapable of governing. Reminded me a lot of what's going on right now.

Hello fellow Bills fan. It's going to be ok.

Isn't it something that the generation who warned us not to believe everything they saw on television now believes everything Fox News tells them?

One of the things I really like about this show is the Jake/Boyle relationship. Jake very openly thinks Boyle is totally absurd, but he never ridicules him. It's a small thing, but it separates the show from other, lesser shows.

And shilled for Wal-Mart at one point.

A real blue collar former opera singer.

Hot take - these pants are stupid and so is Mike Rowe.

But the second you say something like "How would you react if the state department website posted a flowery article about a private country club that Obama owned?" and they don't know what to do with themselves.

The Rita episodes are all really funny, and SOBs is an all timer, but it has the worst episodes of the original run as well. But I'll stand by SOBs 100%.

Six-inch subs only.

No I mean why in the world did the Clinton campaign keep trying to get me to buy their shit? That was like getting a sack tap after getting shot.

Nor does he care. He got his money, now he just wants to keep yelling into a microphone and pretend people are listening to him.

That was a really weird decision. Why in the world did they do that?

I had to get off Twitter. It's just the worst.

You just know that this was the movie Whedon wanted to make.

It's not as good as the trailers, but if that were a capital offense, then nearly every movie ever made would be guilty.

It's a teaser teaser.

I've read that the Bush's consider Bill Clinton an honorary member of the family. (Makes you wonder why Democrats have a hard time trusting the Clintons.)

I'm 99.99999999% sure this isn't what happened. The Secret Service did a lot of things wrong that day, but I'm certain that the cover-up was more due to the fact that they did a shitty job protecting the President in Dallas.