

The Internet: “We really want to see more black superheroes.”

The track events only just started a few days ago. The first week was mostly swimming, gymnastics, and the team sports that involve a bracket (water polo, volleyball, basketball, soccer, rugby, etc.). Give it time. They’ve been fawning all over Simon Biles and Usain Bolt if you’ve been paying attention and aren’t

So what Usain is there were no gunshots?

Thank goodness he's ok - it would have been really ugly if he dyed.

You’re suggesting she does some actual journalism?!

There are a lot of things more repulsive about the Olympics than the American influence on the timing of medal ceremonies. Many, many... so many things.

:o Ronon Dex was a much more complex character than that. Plus... he had a gun lol

“Whenever I go to shave, I assume there’s someone else on the planet shaving, so I say, ‘I’m gonna go shave, too.’” - Mitch Hedberg

“Ok... what was that command again to restart?”

“I like to play blackjack. But I’m not addicted to gambling. I’m addicted to sitting in a semi-circle.” - Mitch Hedberg

Real dragons are surprisingly expensive and uncooperative.

Since this is a Bryce Dallas Howard movie, we need to ask the important question. DID SHE SPEND THE ENTIRE FILM IN HEELS OR NOT?! THIS IS IMPORTANT TO THE OVERALL CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE!

He should try for the Vegas job. Roy is beloved in that town.

Roy-t happened?

I can’t wait for this stupid Senior Week to end.

I feel like the follow up to that second panel should say, “What you do you mean ‘your people’?”

Ciabatta: for when you want to dry out your mouth AND not taste the ingredients of your sandwich!