
Well I for ONE stand READY to issue a MARITAL DIAGNOSIS based on those EXCERPTS

Ugh, can we give ‘superhero fatigue’ as an idea a rest? I mean, sure, some people are sick of superhero movies—but some of those people were sick of them when Tim Burton’s Batman came out. Just like westerns, or war movies, the superhero genre just turns some people off. But when 4 of the year’s 10 biggest movies are

Why isn’t anybody just ‘whelmed’?

Same here. My tolerance is pretty high. Drinks 1 and 2 only prime me for the mild buzz Drink 3 provides, and Drink 4 ends the night with a wonderful buzz-but-not-drunk feeling.

This is good advice. But it is hard to follow. Especially since I love drinks 3 and 4 most of all.

It’s more likely that we have come up with an incomplete model for the universe than that we have the absolutely correct one and we’re just not understanding it properly.

Maybe... Just maybe

Correct choice, I’d say. I never quite understood the logic of this spinoff. I loved Bobbi & Hunter in the AoS environment, but there wasn’t really a case for them carrying their own show that I could see.

“Funny things happen with small amounts of data.”

Well, this isn’t pterable news.


This comment was good in the beginning, but then it went too far.

I am familiar with Mutemath. I would not call them a combination of the other two.

Counterpoint: Absolutely, as long as he joins Matt Barnes on the Kings.

Worst quarterback in the NFL,” [Michael] says.

I appreciate the well reasoned, extended metaphor, but all I got out of it was a strong hankering for cookies.

I honestly think this is the single worst comment in the history of Deadspin.

Steak rare, because i have balls. Burger is medium rare, if its closer to raw in the middle then its not medium rare.

Doonesbury would be that high. Buncha commies.