
A lot of your details are wrong about the show. There are dumb things about the show, but the premise isn’t what you said.

No Falling Skies?

Like, how does this article get written without that reference?

I don’t quite get the obsession (in this article and previous ones) with whether or not this is canon. It’s a side story with no real impact on the movies. Is it weird there are teens hanging out on Isla Nublar between the movies? I guess. Do we assume they are rescued at some point? Yes, unless they’re going for

iOS 14 has basically broken Bluetooth on my iPad Pro and I’m livid about it.

I remember that in ASM2 many people felt, compared to the rest of the cast, that it was like Foxx was acting in a different movie.

Just no...give me Jurassic Park, Jaws, Raiders, and Crusade without question, and maybe a handful of others too.

Are you pronouncing it tail-ed to work?  Otherwise it’s really bothering me.

I didn’t mention that but that is a big part of it I think, spending too much time in the real world instead of The Matrix.

I’ve seen differing legal opinions on what gun laws he may or may not have violated.

Now we’re at a fair bit of common ground, so it might be best to call it a day. I would still stop short of assuming what happened until there is some evidence, re: the instigating incident. Not to put words in your moth, but we seem to agree that the statement in the io9 article that we’re commenting on is inadequate

I was able to read the article by turning off my ad blocker but that appears to have changed; I don’t have a WSJ subscription. So my apologies on that because I am usually with you in preferring that people provide links that are not behind a paywall.

The talky parts I have an issue with are more in Zion than in the Matrix itself.  The Smith/Neo stuff is fine, I actually really like the scene with the Architect once I wrapped my mind around it.  But Neo’s conversation with the Councillor when he can’t sleep, or the Zion ship captains debating their moves, all of

If we’re playing that game it seems more suicidal to charge him if he was already randomly firing into the crowd. So I’m likewise curious about your theory.

I explained exactly what I thought of the case, and I am capable of having a nuanced opinion that doesn’t satisfy either of the extreme narratives.

Did you even read it? It’s looking at the facts of the case but mostly defending due process as it pertains to how Facebook is manipulating the data that the public receives, potentially influencing the jury pool and public opinion on the matter.

Yeah that was my thought too. I’m already not sure how you’re bringing back Neo and Trinity. Leaving Smith out makes perfectly fine sense in-universe, far more than not bringing back the very-much-alive Morpheus. (All of my comments ignore the stuff from the MMORPG that I’m vaguely aware of but not really up-to-date

I always say that I’ll stand by about 90-95% of Reloaded, in short what I would do is chuck the rave/orgy scene and tighten up the talky parts a little bit. Other than that I think it’s a perfectly wonderful sequel.

Ayurnamat (Inuktitut): The philosophy that there is no point in worrying about events that cannot be changed