
What is that version of “Something in the Way” from?  Is it just a remix or a cover?

Came here to make a similar comment.  Amoral rich evil guys are a dime a dozen in the movies, something the author seems to ignore or not understand.  The movie version of Hammond, humanized and likable but clearly flawed and responsible for what happens, is far more interesting to me.

The Suicide Squad been described as a “reimagining” of the anti-hero story, rather than being a sequel or reboot

I really enjoyed that trailer, something about the tone being different than other WW stuff worked for me. However, I’m normally not someone to do the trendy criticism of CGI/effects, but I was a little underwhelmed with the glimpses of Cheetah.

I was pretty upset this scene wasn’t in the movie.

Yeah that was pretty subtle and had me wondering if there was just one in the original title, but it’s a nice touch for a joke video at the least.

Been a while since I’ve seen the movie.  I don’t remember Arecibo at all, I knew the telescope array was the VLA.  My bad, I guess.

Contact happened at the VLA. Goldeneye was at Arecibo.

If everyone has them except one guy are they really superpowers?

I don’t buy this story about Pattinson going from Blockbuster to Blockbuster, I thought there was only one Blockbuster left operating in the world.

I’ll go further than that, and I know a lot of people won’t agree with me.

It’s been a while since I watched LOST but it spun its wheels a *lot* during the first season. Everyone remembers the “Guys where are we?” and “Is that a polar bear?” but no one remembers how they spent multiple episodes just trying to get the hatch open, and then the season finale cliffhanger was pretty much nothing.

TL;DR I have some relevant experience and I don’t think this will be that useful.

This is really solid Kinja

Came here to say this - I bet the average TV watcher / moviegoer is more likely to know him from Casino Royale than Hannibal.

Yes. Last night I noticed the resemblance and thought it was a decent impression (even if on the whole it was maybe a bit over the top), but it wasn’t until reading the AV Club review today that I learned that it’s James Paxton, his son. So I will say inspired casting, maybe some quibbles with the execution. But,

While I agree that Nathaniel isn’t the most intimidating villain they’ve ever faced, something about his energy just works for me.

Bill Paxton’s actual son, FWIW

Bill Paxton’s actual son, FWIW