
"I had honestly expected that we were going to get a reunion between the brothers Clegane sometime this season"

I watched the whole thing. And— I mean, it's not subtle, but I think there actually was some entertainment value in the slow-burn psychiatrist with serious issues entangling her lives with those of her clients, as it spirals out of control and everything inevitably comes crashing down. But it basically gives us

Man. At sixty-five, Keaton is playing middle aged?

I don't understand Maria's deal here; I thought she was so relieved she didn't have the extra five on her sentence she switched from being a ringleader to team-outside; surely Gloria's plan means no amnesty— and all those years getting tacked back on?

Yeah. Because evil magic never leaves a residue that would linger past typing "format C:".

I'm honestly not clear if that was the case, since they got to the guy in the factory; though that could theoretically just be to establish trace amounts for forensics.

You get the sense that a lot of his glee was dragging Taylor down off their pedestal.

Well, no, she placed her move after being told that AxeCap 'was not uncertain' on the point. But in addition she only placed that position immediately after meeting with her husband, who had set this whole thing in motion. That could be made to look an awful lot like insider trading.

Yeah. It was Axe who poisoned people and destroyed that business, just erased hundreds of millions of dollars of value (costing how many people their livelihood) off the face of the Earth because he figured a way it could hurt his enemy. I want to see him ruined, but the logic of the show clearly won't let Rhodes keep

It was, ironically, his moment of spine that proved his undoing.

You mean #9SeasonsAndSzechuanSauce, surely?

THANK you, this drove me crazy.

Well, this is just totally unacceptable….

It's interesting, because the reading Sorkin intends is "The Internet Killed Charlie" — but looked at from another angle, the internet and its myriad avatars had nothing to do with it. It was MacKenzie and Sloan and Don that were insubordinate, it's they who were making Charlie's job impossible.They picked a fight, on

"I’m finding it difficult to pinpoint which one exactly Hallie is being theoretically courted by."