Adam Horsfall

They had me at The White Album. They've now lost me with creepy seagulls.

I agree with Karl Rove, Improv sucks

"Shall I glaze the ham now?"

Why get angry over KGATLW's unfair D+ review when still they rave about Pinegrove.

Seriously AV Club? Ridley's woeful A Good Year also looked good but what a stinker. Dan O'Bannon would be very disappointed by what you're doing to his script.

Aww, I actually liked this show.

Meh. Dead whale eats shark, now you're onto something.

Rami Malek does children's birthday parties now?

Wife Swap.

Replace Bobby Moyniham's name with Keenan Thompson's and this is the feel good story we all need in these turbulent times.

Blue & Pinkerton are great. This is not Blue or Pinkerton.

It's not great but Weezer's White Alblum deserves a lot more attention.

Do people who call men 'dudes' and women 'chicks' actually have sex?

You've discussed the horrible mother daughter conversation about a one night stand with a cosplay Chewbacca right? I can't be bothered to scroll down to see.

Twice a week it's hubris, whether it's from a heel or a face, that compels me to watch these meatheads fight over a sparkly belt.

Counted 3 product placements: Target, QVC, & Pier 1.
It would've been 4 but I couldn't work out what film Wiig was there to promote.

Thank you for the recommendation! For someone who has just entered the sports entertainment universe, this is exactly what I've been looking for.

SNL works best when everyone contributes, including the guest host, to create topical and funny sketches. I'm not looking forward to next week's offering of the annoying Target lady/Penelope/Gilly/Shana/Dooneese skits.

It's killing me every week seeing the drawn out Sheamus/Cesaro feud. Patiently waiting for them to unite as the real best friends and destroy New Day and 'bff' KO & Jericho.

When did these reviews just become a summary?