South Korea is not well armed. Company I work for supplies a lot of parts to the South Korean Army. They have a lot of 1970's technology. They still use TOW missiles.
South Korea is not well armed. Company I work for supplies a lot of parts to the South Korean Army. They have a lot of 1970's technology. They still use TOW missiles.
Please post all “Why is Lifehacker so political these days?!?!” comments on this thread:
UGHHHHH Just place the baby for adoption. Why is this so hard??? Plenty of people want your babies.
I understand where you are coming from, but you as an adopted person—would you rather not have been alive? Just asking.
Sad and heart wrenching stories indeed. One thing I feel missing from the narrative is adoption. There needs to be more discussion about adoption. Folks need see this a a very viable alternative to abortion. Do you know how hard it is to adopt a child? Do you know how expensive it is to adopt? Very hard, and 25k on…
You’re lumping moderate, undecided voters in with the fringes on both sides. I don’t think undecided voters believe “both sides are the same” but generally vote each election on which candidate they think is best at the time. That’s why they’re undecided voters.
Also, since I’m here, I’ll take issue with another part of your article, this:
This. There’s no denying that white women voted for Trump over Hillary.
Both sides are equally adept at gerrymandering. They use the same methods to do it.
Another point to be mentioned is that sometimes you can’t look at men and women as individuals on some table. My wife and I have been married for 37 years. Very early on we figured out certain ways our marriage was going to go. I was working a well paying job that, while I liked it, required a lot of hours, overtime…
ACA shared some basic elements with the Heritage plan, such as the insurance mandate, but they differ in a lot of important details. And the 1993 plan never really garnered much Republican support in Congress when it was introduced.
As The Federalist showed us a few days ago, stories divisive along gender lines drive traffic, which creates value for shareholders, both of Univision Communications and for the companies that advertise here.
Bit more related to this I think.
You’re not on Jezebelmodo much, are you?
The sexism started at the headline, aye. ;)
I have a feeling that this is at least part of the reason:
DemocRATS as a whole spend way more time whining and crying (oops, I mean “protesting”) after all, they have plenty of time to attend protests since they just sit around leaching Government handouts. You can’t spell Democrat without the word RAT
When did Lifehacker become Jezebel?
Well, this got weirdly sexist in a hurry. Just like women, men are individuals, not members of their gender. In the same way that it wouldn’t be okay to say “Puerto Ricans, you need to start picking up the slack!”, this isn’t cool. I mean, on a scale of one-to-slavery it’s about a 0.5, but still, prejudice is…
You know it is perfectly fine to be indifferent to all this. I mean, wife, kids, job, dog(s), rest of family.. oh yeah some sports mixed in. I really don’t care or get worked up about the rest of the crap and the last thing I am doing is calling some member of congress.