
Why is that important? Are you begrudging the guy who negotiated for his car and paid a bit less than you?

As long as demand is high you have to pay list. It is illegal for a car dealer not to put the actual msrp on a car they are trying to sell. It’s in the window sticker which shows all the options in the car.

Wrong. The price fluctuations are based largely on supply and demand. Vaden a new car comes out the demand is typically high and customers gladly pay the msrp.

You can do the same in a car dealership just pay what they ask. It's when you want to pay less that you have to haggle.

Your comment makes more sense than this washed out lifehacker article.

no arms = no people being slapped every again. Ban arms!

Man I generally feel sorry for you guys. This sounds very frustrating and tough to deal with. Don’t give up, there is a massive shortage of good web design Wordpress people. It’s something a bunch of my friends are doing at night and on weekends to get out of the whole living with parents thing.

Great article Kirk! My friend swears by them. My problem is once they’ve switched to 144 g-sync they can’t use anything else and I have to use other systems.

1. Concealed Carry gun - something small, light and easy to conceal.

Are you counting Koala’s in this? Do I have to have a special permit for Grizzly? This analogy leaves a lot of questions unanswered.

Yeah seriously. The airframe compromised sure, but the engines? The steering wheel, all totally reusable.

Sure. Sure.

Aw man, I wanted to build a steam powered machine as in real steam not the game system. Oh well.

Yeah this is another one hit wonder like that Minecraft acquisition Microsoft made.

I don’t think that sentence makes sense.

Just don't kid yourself into believing you aren't a bigot when you do that.

you don’t even know me. You’re just assuming you know me because your a bigot. You have repeatedly told me who I am based on a single encounter with a woman you work with. I get it you’re angry, somebody wronged you somewhere in life but don’t take it out on the human race.


Questioned? Accused yes. Judged yes. I haven’t seen a question yet. I have nothing against you personally. I wasn’t able to tell that you were a woman from your name. I’ve just tried to help you with your bigotry problem.

You wouldn’t listen if I did. I will and have pointed out incorrect facts and if facts and reality get in your way than there is nothing anyone can do to help you. Good luck!