
Well said. I knew when I saw the title of this article it was going to be a hack job and sure enough it was.

Maddie go find an environmental blog and write for them. I’ve heard as much as I’m ever going to want to hear on this subject on this tech blog.

I’m sorry he rides a skateboard too.

Tha is totally false. Aggressive skates are coming back!

I read the first paragraph skipped to the end and then said to myself. I bet Adam Clark Estes wrote know why I knew that? Because it’s a quick unresearched ramble with pictures in it. Sorry it’s your calling card.

Again you are looking for a fight and misquoting news articles that are incorrect.

You can quote anti-Mormon newspapers all you want. I’ve felt with these types of attacks before and it’s a religion I live. Nothing in the 30+ years I’ve been a part of it comes close to your claims.

I know it was just strange to watch the people using it holding their hands so aquardly

I agree. Just like the taser made it less of a big deal to take people more people would be shot by Jess large metal balls because the consequences are lower but any hit to the face would do permanent damage.

Sorry not a tenant of the LDS faith. You've gotten bad information.

Adam Clarke Estes isn’t quite all there. Read some of his other posts you’ll see it. Half the time I get ticked off at a poorly written post I find his name attached to it.

Upon further review I stand corrected. Follow up question, does anyone see the hand touching first then the stylus?

Hmmm. I don’t see the writer ever resting his palm on the screen. I wonder what will happen when he does that?

Yep. I guess we'll have to name our next kid Nerf or pocket protector so he doesn't get emotionally damaged.

Also well said. Wouldn't it be neat if we had a more regular gadgets and guns post. I know it's asking a lot to talk about gadgets instead of political agendas but I'd at least try to read it.

Actually sometimes people being idiots is harmless and very entertaining for the rest of us.

It may be time to get a new travel agent as I don't think that's a common problem for most vacationers.

Well said, well said! tried and I'm glad you did. Totally failed but you tried. Gold medal for that!

Well crap! Now what do we do?