Power Girl

The good one has lasers, swords, Ralph Fiennes, and Mariah Carey.

Oh, I was going to say "aliens."

"That Deadpool knock-off"


I mean, I guess they could sneak in a Lego Fat Tony the way they snuck Milhouse into The Lego Movie….

Alden: Uhh…"expect-o pat…."

So, Alden Ehrenreich good with everybody?

They're ok. The art is awful, though.

I sell whatever books ate in a given trade. If a trade has Captain America #1-6, then I'm selling Captain America #1-6 to pay for it.

I'm kind of over Snyder. I liked his Batman run, but this is more of the same with worse art.

I guess? It has an ending anyway.

I think it's supposed to be 2 years climaxing in Action #1000.

I get a ton of free DC books every week and it's grating on me to read them all. I think I'd like a break when Rebirth is done.

I felt like the first arc was too much noise, stretched over too many issues. However, #7 onward is much more focused.

I'm still unpacking the new house and at least making headway into one room.

Your complaint about TWATD reminds me of when Gerard Way did a manga style Spider-Man comic in 2014. I really wish Marvel had published it right-to-left, back-to-front style, keeping it in manga format.

Only if it produces white smoke. If you get black smoke, you did it wrong.

Not US related, but there's an actual "Vatican: The Board Game" which recreates papal elections. Pointy hat and Dan Brown not included.

Stuff I liked from DC coming tomorrow:
- Action
- Detective
- Flash
- Hal Jordan
- Earth 2

Next up: we'll finally get that final episode of Alf we've all been hoping for.