Adam Fangman

That's interesting. I imagine Kevin dug that the script for that would've had to come out of you studying either the podcasts or the blogs or one of his books. And what I find captivating about Smith's work even as some of it loses luster for me with age is that like George Lucas or the Wu Tang Clan or whatever he's

Huh. What came first, making GG or having his YT channel as a platform? Or in other words, has this string of KS-related work developed from this sort of loose collaboration or did you make GG and then have the channel offered to you as a platform?

Well that's good! Clerks was a big part of my childhood so I do intend to put some money in your pocket here, once the film's out.

Foundas is a critic for the LA Times Smith's publicist kicked out of the critic screening of Clerks 2 because Kevin had read Foundas' bad review for J&SBSB or one of his other lesser films. Which is a long pattern of behavior of Smith's - reading what others say of him obsessively and then retaliating in petty ways.

Long as you don't get upset and try to prevent me from watching the film like Kevin with Scott Foundas and Clerks 2.

Is it intended as like a performance art homage?

lol The director of this going through seven articles about his own film sarcastically responding to all the negative comments is the most meta-Kevin Smith thing that has ever happened.

Am I the only one that looked at "Funders" and noticed that this campaign only actually raised 800 bucks but some mysterious "Anonymous" donated $2,700 dollars to it? Guess who "Anonymous" is.