Adam Fair

This dude is so fuckin cute.

Nathan Barley! Genius!

i was looking for more shows! thanks!

they died playing sardines…

HOLY SHIT! I was obsessed with this ride. I even made a Big Gay Dork youtube about it!

You are not alone.

FIRST! and last…

This movie made me wonder about my own sexuality, with all its lingering shots of athletic male torsos. I walked away thinking "somethings up". I figured that either the director was gay, Powder was or it was me.

Rape is hilarious! I'm sure these guys can just larf it off!

Wha?? NO mention of Devlin on Harvey Birdman???


It doesnt cut the Mustard (Plug your band here).

oh Tom Daley is always awaiting photographs. i hope that Harvey Milk writer enjoys gumming up his swimmers insides.

we're the SQUAD!

Titular Film Credits Will Smith Song Number???

You remind me of the babe!
What babe?
The dead one…

How much Efron dong is hung in this one?

thanks guys! i feel better now

Snow Palace!

The Middle's Coach jokes were pretty cringe-worthy. Really? A "I can't talk to my parents for SOME {lesbian} reason" joke? Gross, The Middle. C'mon.