Adam Donnelly

Jared is the Dwight of this show lately. How many times did Dwight do something super-odd only for that choice to save the day??

I haven't read the whole review yet, but I would have led with the reason Arya won that final fight was because she was BLIND for awhile and fought the waif IN THE DARK…part of why we didn't see the fight

Hasn't this show done enough of that "let's beat up the underdog then have them succeed" thing to realize that they'll probably surprise us with a well-earned Dinesh reversal at some point?? I just made a comment about that too, but much like when people hate Charlie on Lost then cried at his fate, I think the writers

Jack left the show in such a quickly presented moment you just KNEW the plan was to have him come back.
As for personal preference, I hope to see Dinesh get a win soon

Thanks to his "fight" to take them down and articles highlighting it such as this, now at least ONE more person is aware of the meme than beforehand.

Could there be a place for Phoenix in this one too? I dig his performances for Anderson, even if people hate on the movies

You know what?? I loved "Monsters" and highly disliked Godzilla, so Edward's reputation is up in the air for me. Maybe it WAS characterless and dumb, or cool dark & blade runner gritty. Maybe the studio'll screw it and maybe they'll save it. I just hope to see a film that both looks good AND is good, something

Haha yeah! The way Jack Barker said it too…

Has Miller ALWAYS pronounced his T's so prominently, or us that some new affectation he's picked up trying to sound professional? In any case, I like it.

Jared's episode arc reminded me of (but not in any derivative way) the episode of Community where Abed's potential baby daddy drama plays out wat in the background. A tall skinny socially odd guy has an inexplicably facile sex life. Word.

Yeah, well this'll be shorter

I have no nostalgia goggles on here. Power Rangers was awful. As a tmnt and ghostbusters and xmen fan, I was hopid ID live this show, but as an adolescent approaching puberty, I knew it sucked. Nonetheless, I hope they can make a cool movie out of this, though I have no illusions of it killing my already jaded

You MIGHT count Sixth Sense as a "happy horror ending", only if you consider it a horror on any level. "The Orphanage" was sad as FUCK but had some uplift at it's conclusion (again, only if that fits the genre mode, for some it doesn't)

babadook lived up to the hype

Way to make me look up the word "oneiric", Murthi

I tried watching it again recently…some great jokes are there (Liberate Animals Before Imprisoning Animals), most of the performances are great, while I kind of find Shannon Elizabeth to be cringe-worthy in it. I didn't like it though. I think it has to do with the musical cues, just way too on the nose. Like someone

True, but if they could tie two universes' trajectories together without us knowing it was coming….hoooo boy…..could be a good 'un

yeah, I feel ya. I didn't get into the originals. My sister was (a-duhr). It seemed too aimed at the girls then, now it seems to have a more open demographic (and that's no dis, just an observation). Maybe simply something to do with the less-pastel colors and the animation style opens it up. Cool to see ya have

Really? I think they explored more facets of her persona this season than we'd seen previously. I dug her even more.

Pretty sure the only people who watch this are the fans. So we can all be on the same page here. This show rocks.