Adam Donnelly

I'm no Brony, but felt oddly protective of the property in that the latest incarnation is pretty damn funny…my GF watches it
*gets a "No, really! not me, HER!" vibe goin'*
so I'm glad to see this isn't a re-imagining so much as an extension of the current show. Basically, when Donny, Walter & the Dude showed up as

These polight fites are interesting. I will be watching the GoT ones.

Agreed, yet much like the Daily Show I think the power of the book comes from realistic ideas being proposed and stuck in your brain after delivery from light characters and situations serving to keep things lively

Hitchhikers Guide was definitely not so good. I've seen worse movies, yeah, but there was none of that JUICE to the adaptation that one felt reading it. There was some voiceover, but it was way too whimsical, with little musical flourishes to underline what we know is comedy, nearly not as fun as laughing at Douglas

So unlike many ho-hum adaptations that may come out, ruining the novels' legacy, I'm okay with it, because we still have the book. THAT IS ALL OF MY OPINIONS.

awwww =(

oh alright then

the back of your UndaROOOOs?

It's not fair to say it has anything to do with looks. I COULD NOT see Marnie or Shosh together with him…that'd just be….wrong in my mind, and they're also along the more mainstream portrayal of attractive than Jessa. If I was going by looks, I'd be like "HEY REMEMBER THAT GIRL ADAM JIZZED ON THE CHEST OF IN SEASON

could it be called "Whorls"? Like those things at appear on your fingerprints. Which help people solve crimes. And it rhymes with "Girls". I get it.

Yes! and then Ray DIDN'T give her a speech!…which was oddly refreshing despite my enjoyment of Angry Ray. Rayngry.

Yeah. I'm happy with Hannah and Adam being adults about their places in life, coming to some sort of reconciliation and conclusion, as opposed to that sad scene between them over the newborn. I'll admit to being selfish though, because I think Jessa and Adam have much better chemistry

"Hurley" is a good album…albeit one that sounds like Weezer tried not to sound like Weezer, meaning there was so much going on that it didn't sound like anything but some solid songs. there's a few faves on that, like "Trainwrecks", that have a certain lyrical confidence that I can't deny it. Still, for fans waiting

I think that as much as they are in character that the story is kind of trying to force Adam back towards Hannah. I really don't think they belong together, even if these past few relationships haven't worked out.

My instinct told me it was Chris Cornell, too. In fact, I had no other choice in mind when hearing that voice, so I'm assuming it was him.

AH ok, now I get where you're coming from. In my mind, though, it's a cool cinematic thing, but kind of a pastiche of all those, brought to life with Birdman's take on it with the drums. Oddly enough, the drums reminded me of the crazy wedding scene in "Royal Tenenbaums", but that's simply because the rhythmic pulse

Well, there is a little something calle d"Rope" and there was that 8-minute sequence in that season one episode of "True Detective" that *shrug* COULD have caused a little inspiration

Hey, you can dis the guy, sure, but he also brought an awesomely campy vision to the screen with "The Fifth Element", and while that was 'round 20 years ago, that don't mean this will necessarily be bad.
Oh, but it still might be.

yeah..I'm sure his voice is okay I assume. it seemed really produced/edited though, and not in a natural way. too fake.

it was SO BADLY AUTO-TUNED…I say just have a flawed, natural voice sing it….I mean…I just wanted to punch whoever authorized that cover. seriously. My friends & I did a Bowie cover show last weekend and I did Life On Mars on guitar with my buddy on piano and I ain't no amazing singer but it was better than THAT.