
They are fairly ridiculous inside - in fact, powershots are pretty much the only thing I've ever had trouble disassembling and reassembling - and I've taken thousands of complex things apart in my lifetime.

One issue is that producers still cut out 50,000 to 200,000 in order to produce a mediocre pop album. This is why the major labels are "necessary", as mere mortals could not otherwise afford to record and market their music. The artist never sees a dime of the album profits most of the time, as they are kept by the

Also, super glue and mighty putty are awesome.

Seriously? What part? I have a few powershots here with junked lenses. I could probably replace them if they sold it to me.

Not with this lens. the 50 II is a cheaply produced lens which is not really designed to be repaired. I was surprised to see this article, as I've done something similar to my lens a bunch of times after it has been bashed, smashed, dropped, and launched across rooms by careless individuals, children, and animals on

I think the travesty here isn't how the bill was signed, but that such a blatant destruction of our civil liberties (while granting only a few beneficial clauses regarding interdepartmental communication) was signed in the first place, by man or machine.

just waiting for the countersuit by the people who had their information given to the British. Also, for what reason is it Twitter's fault that this guy's a cheating whore and everyone knows about it? What if literally EVERYONE tweeted about it? Could they just launch a class-action against "everyone"?

Living in Los Angeles, I don't have a choice, and therefore already made that decision - since moving here three years ago for a job in tech (engineering microphones, then camera tech later on), my sinuses have been shot to hell by the air quality. It basically renders any smelling ability useless.

Oh yea, I forgot that you can get a higher level of detail when you carve the lenses out of solid, purified cash like Zeiss and Hasselblad. Barry, do you have any samples uploaded?

The only reason interlaced even exists is because of the limitations of technology in the freaking 1930's!!

at 200 megapixels, the camera will likely out-resolve most lenses, even with a super large sensor. This is an amazing device, and at the same time slightly pointless unless suitable glass is developed.

Who the hell uses 1080i anymore? I guess Sony implements it into their AVCHD gear, but people usually hate them for it.

Why bother teaching them foreign languages when they're not allowed to see foreign people or watch/read foreign media?

I consider my 7D to be a work of art. Buying a pinhole camera for over 1000, no matter how fancy it supposedly looks, is freakin dumb.

New Zealanders have a rather specific and distinct accent which mostly seems to involve shifting, then shortening vowel sounds. It actually does not resemble Australian very much at all.

Okay, so we got the design completed for our space ship. The engine's perfect, the crew compartment's finished, the heat tiles are glued on...What's that you say? Some politician is pissed off about aluminium tanks vs carbon fiber? Ah well, fuck it. Cancel!!! Cancel!!!

I'm not sure about the rest of the country, but in Southern California the (medical- ha!) marijuana industry is largely governed by Armenians, ex-Soviet Russians, and Israelis. It's rumored that there's organized "involvement" from bigger groups somewhere along the line, but I'm not affiliated with any of them enough

You "politely declined his offer to join the gang"? This is unlikely - It is very rare that a 'chapter leader' just invites someone they barely know into their gang. It's part of a drug cartel, not the freaking Elk's club.

The main difference - This thing has an image stabilizer AND atmospheric correction. You'll never see a Leica with either. Plus, I bet it's a lot sharper wide-open.

I must try SyndicateROM. Quite honestly, I don't see how Samsung even let this thing out the door in the current form and firmware - it's borderline unusable about half of the time! The only way I get it to be even marginally useful lately is by having a task killer on "crazy mode" running pretty much constantly to