Adam Davis

Batman uses Bruce Wayne doubles in the comics. That way Wayne is spotted at an event or party while he is really fighting Black Mask or whomever you please.

I enjoyed the Guyver movies.

Too many humans in the world.

Transcendence seems like a remake of Lawnmower Man to me.

Damn anti-vaxers!

I'm amazed that despite how 'progressive' the Gawker websites are they continue to be as base in their thought processes as the very people they bash.

I couldn't finish Samurai 7. As much as it was hyped, I thought it stunk.

Ugh, that first post was terrible. I need to stop typing on my phone. The whole series has done nothing but ignore those novels. Which is a shame as they are among my favorite Star Wars novels. I appreciate the thought and depth that she placed in the culture. It's not often that author's are willing to go the

What annoys me is that Karen Traviss' Clone Commando novels explain Order 66 and clarifies tjat an order to kill the Chancellor and Senate exosted too and the clones new as they had to memorize them. Of course this is the show that turned tje Mandalorians into a bunch of pacifists when they never were

The world is over populated My fellow anti-vaccinators and I are doing you a service. You are welcome.

Wow, I'm disappointed in the limited thoughts placed in this subject by commentators (Yes, I am a male commenting on a feminist website).

I love D&D! I've been playing since I was 11ish (19 years) and I have a blast with it. I've played every edition and while I find 4E either way too balanced or way too unbalanced (depending on your approach) it wasn't the end all be all that everyone makes it out to be.

Not even on the right continent for Karate! This was going to be my submission. Now while I feel that Kung Fu is superior to Karate in many respects. The title was misleading.

Modern Vampires don't hold a candle to the awesomeness that is the Kindred. Every time I think of Vampires I now hold the clans up to my standard.

Allow me to introduce you to the Scion game series. Same concept only it is geared towards being a god. You find out you are a Scion (half-god and child to a deity of your choice) and start out as a Hero. You graduate to Demi-God and then to full blown Godhood and join the war in the heavens.

Am I the only person bothered by the fact it has been on Mars for a year and they have only covered 2.87 miles?

I was running a Star Wars SAGA game in the Dark Times setting (determined by a previous GM who flaked out after the first session). I kept it rolling for a year and wanted a setting change. The characters were Kota Militia (precursor Rebel Alliance) and got their butts kicked by 3 Bounty Hunters hired by an

I was what was called a SAVI at the time (2008) in a combat zone. As one of the SAVI's, I dealt with sexual assault issues that happened on the base. We only had maybe two cases involving females compared to the dozens that was male on male.

In Alabama they have a store called Unclaimed Baggage where you can buy items that were left behind at airports. That is how I got my hands on my iPad and Bose NC2s.