Adam Davis

Yes they ended the series once it caught up to the game. Then continued on with Injustice 2 after the game ended.

He is playing Captain Marvel. He is known as Shazam because DC can’t use the name Captain Marvel.

I have two. The first was a BuM game and I had been playing a Anti-Ladonna for way too long. He was attending a Court session in Elysium and the Seneschal was about to call a Blood Hunt on my character because he started an unprovoked way with the local Kuei-jin. As she was doing so, I used my Obterbenation powers to

So you are saying nothing like this happens to men or can’t?

Agent Roz Solomon or whatever her name is in the comics? That could be cool. An environmental SHIELD super spy?

I disagree. While she is not royalty, she is considered a Goddess among many African tribes and she also happens to be from Africa. I say 'goddess' status is a step-up from royalty. I don't think the idea was bad, the approach just needed some work.

No respectable human would make ANYONE get rid of their corgi!

Wow. Are you serious? This is the most asinine attitude and completely justifies people’s attitude toward motorcyclist. I can break laws because I ride motorcycles. Let me guess, you ride a sports bike?

Guilty until proven innocent, eh?

Love, love, love this book.

daleks vs weeping angels.

I want to run a Star Wars campaign focused on the idea of the Rebels being evil. Thanks for the idea.

It was a loose/loose situation. Either the Formics died or humanity died. Either way, xenocide would have occured.

I'm in the Submarine Force and these things grow on the side of my boat in droves. They are pretty scary.

He was paying homage to the game

VTM defines my expectation for Vampires, even to this day.

I played Nosferstu and Lasombra and this was my primary tactic with my Nos. I'd kill in one round with my Potence. I took out 3 Brujah PCs once by outplaying them.

Lasombra all the way. I was the jerk who would torture people by creating shadow tentacles that probed your nasal cavities or throats. Among other general evil things.

The news coverage. I'm really underwhelmed. The first thought that comes to mind was "Comic-Con just ended? I didn't notice it was happening. ". From an outsiders perspective, not much happened.

The first episode with the weeping angels gave me the creeps. Even at 30.