Adam Daniluk

I am so annoyed by this show. It tries to be a fun, quirky, Wes Anderson-toned show (without the classic Wes Anderson detail and charm).  But it loses all of the tragic, wry, subtle cleverness that made the books unique.  And it's so annoying how the show underplays the central tragedy of the Baudelaire's parents'

This is Donald Trump's America.

I think they could've shaved an episode off by getting rid of either Cricket or Denis O'Hare's character. They serve essentially the same purpose and both die anyway. And they already have the historian to deliver the exposition that both of them did.

I actually kind of feel the opposite way. Seeing that the writers and showrunners are still capable of producing great TV like this episode only makes it even more frustrating when they fail to do so. If theyou are capable of making an episode as good as this one then why haven't we had one since the finale of season

So like Forrest Gump with a pop star? Wat?


But let's not forget that the exact same thing happened to Gina Rodriguez, another bright lead actress on a well-recieved CW dramedy. She won the Golden Globe and was shut out at the Emmys.

I agree with you 100%. And am I the only one who thinks that the Lead Actress in a Comedy pool is kind of weak? JLD is guaranteed a win.

This will never be as good as RuPaul's Satch Game.

Thus will never be as good as RuPaul's Satch Game.

Am I the only one who is bothered by the intense helping of white privilege on this show? Not to get too PC but in earlier seasons the apparent wealthiness of the characters irked me a little (expecially when the show is seemingly trying to depict a modern family - very few families are that wealthy) but in the last

Well we're almost certainly going to get more Katya. It's inevitable that she will be on All Stars 2

All Stars 2!!! Who do you think will be on it? Katya is inevitable.

The show could've been a lot more compelling on a network like FX where the running times are shorter for each episode. The episodes would be denser and have much less filler.

Plot holes for days

Touché. I forgot about that sequence.

This episode was surprisingly light on profanity. I'm sure it was there, but I didn't notice a single F-bomb.

They usually do about four or five record reviews every week, it just depends on the amount of albums that come out each week. And sometimes if the album just came out very recently the review will be up a couple of days later. I mean, Pitchfork gives themselves like an entire week to review a record.

The Good Wife and Big Brother (don't judge) are the only two shows I watch from CBS.

I'm just mad that no one is watching the damn Good Wife.