
Like Becca, I would like to apologize to everyone for perpetuating a fraud, as I am neither French nor from Montana.

I’m so fucking sick of this shit. Not one person in the military has “fought for my freedom” so stop saying it. And as far as the sacrifices they made, it’s a dangerous job sure, most likely taken because of a lack of options. I don’t hate military people, but I don’t feel the need to thank them. For what exactly?

Because it was played at a baseball game a long time ago, and the fans loved it. Patriotism was in full-swing and it was adopted across most major public events and gatherings.

As a black man living in America, I feel the NFL protests appropriately draw attention to one of America’s gravest race-based sins at a venue that makes it uncomfortably difficult for those either apathetic to or complicit in it to ignore.

“I fought to protect the freedoms you enjoy in this country, so you better stop fucking enjoying them!”


- The National Anthem before NFL games

Jazz Odyssey by Spinal Tap (it was the bass player’s idea)

I like the part where the bar owner inexplicably reduces the cost by $20. Only in conservative economics do business owners for no apparent reason reduce their profits.

Surely, you can’t be serious

It would be a lot more believable if the Patriots were playing in the World Series.

Nothin worse than a salty car taint

We are still unsure what happened

Man, imagine the pants you could make out of that thing.

this reads like a Stephen A Smith stream-of-consciousness rant

WTF, no opinion on diagonal staples? So much better, and less chance of tearing.

Please tell me Papa remarried so the family could have Hot Shot Part Deux.

Now playing

Fuck you, this song about New York is awesome.

I’ve done work on dehydration for the Army. Thirst is NOT a reliable indicator unless under circumstances that you are very acclimated to. Used to living in the Northeast and not doing much physical labor? You’ll find you can’t rely on your thirst to tell you when to drink if you suddenly are doing a lot of work in