
Not to take anything away from the win, but the fellas on Team USA look like they got their uniforms from the “active wear” section of a Target. Also, red ball caps? Really?

We don’t have round bacon, YOU have round “bacon” that is just ham, that you refer to as “Canadian Bacon.” Come to Canada and order Canadian bacon (hopefully by its proper name, peameal bacon), and what you will receive will be not only a vague oblong shape (instead of the weird, perfectly round things you get down

They are absolutely not necessary. Did some very quick research and just as an example, in the Stanley Cup playoffs, there have less than 50 games that went beyond 2 overtimes, dating back to 1932. So yes by all means, if they do 2 full overtime periods then we can start talking about shootouts, but till then, let

Canadian here, and first congrats to the American women. Great game and they deserve it. And I know while it sounds like sore loser talk, I assure you it is not. The Canadians lost fair and square but holy FUCK how is it that a shootout can decide a championship in this or any sport. Seriously who is in favour of


AGREED. At what point did people forget how to use a fucking telephone? I realize our phones now are just very small computers but WTF is with people holding their phones end-wise up to their stupid mouths, screaming into them, and using the speaker? Move the device 4 stupid inches towards your stupid head and use the

Hit the nail on the head...growing up in Southern Ontario was just a sea of Michigan flags flying from cars owned by people who picked UM to cheer for because it was the closest, they have a big stadium, and they love telling people “it’s not yellow, it’s MAIZE.”

Mental illness, that’s a good start. How about identifying nutjobs who want to arm the entire populace, and who think that teaching more kids about an invisible man in the sky will magically make people stop shooting each other. Just do us a favor and don’t breed.

What a between the players, the players families, and the giant staffs that pro football teams have, there’s like 400 people running around with a ring that realistically under a hundred people legitimately had a hand in actually earning. “Oh wow, you won a Super Bowl?” “Oh no, my wife is Bill Belichek’s

THIS. I’ve said this again and again...the ENTIRE point of a bullpen is to warm up a guy. He doesn’t need 15 more pitches when he comes into the game. Like 3 pitches so him and the catcher can get on the same page, and let’s get on with this shit. I also wouldn’t be opposed to limiting the total number of pitching

That was the “Happy Birthday Mr President” of national part is, I’m sure Trump and Trump people would consider this a fitting tribute to your nation. Irony isn’t what it used to be.

Didn’t know that if you paid more than someone else for your seats you’re allowed to be a racist piece of shit. I’ll make a note.

Yeah except no one yells racist shit at white people at hockey games. Get your head out of your ass man, if you don’t realize how racist this was then you need to re-evaluate yourself. And if you’ve shouted something worse than that, at a hockey game or anywhere else, then you’re a fucking giant asshole.

You’re talking about a situation a) so bizarre as to boggle the mind with the impossibility of its occurrence, and b) that you and all the gun owners nationwide couldn’t prevent even if it did happen (it won’t). You’re saying that you should be able to keep guns in case what...some president or Congress down the road

Oh yeah a lot of the audio guys I talked to said to get a 2012 Mini, as it was the last one with a quad i7 chip....I’m like yeah, not paying 600 bucks for a 6 year old computer that can’t even run the current version of the OS. Sticking with Win for the forseeable future. And actually I’ve been running Pro Tools on my

Yeah, how Apple manages to artificially keep resale prices high on 5 year old machines baffles and irritates me. I’ve been a Windows guy all my life, but I’ve owned iPods and iPads for many years, and enjoyed them, so I was considering getting a Mini to run an audio workstation, as they’re very stable, etc. etc.

You’re right, we should probably just keep doing what we’re doing. 57 people murdered in cold blood in broad daylight at an outdoor concert, and 17 more the other day, but I mean numbers don’t lie! It’s clearly not a problem we need to address. Glad you cleared up that access to guns isn’t a real big deal.

You’re right, bringing guns to a school is totally normal behavior that we wanna promote. I mean it’s not like they all get USED! This is fine.

Oh yeah the strategy of curling blows my damn mind, like you have to think 3 shots ahead of yourself, then rearrange it all if your team doesn’t make the shots that you wanted to make, it’s bananas.

That’s arguably the best part about watching curling...watching it for 2 days then acting like you’re an expert. “Oh no well you gotta put up a guard or you’re gonna get SLAMMED! What an idiot.”