
That’s actually not entirely true...there’s a study vaguely along those lines in “The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs” where the author tackles the “Would the Babe be able to deal with modern pitching” question, and by the looks of it, it’s actually not as wildly unbalanced as I would have thought. Not an exact

First ballot hall of fame COTD

While I see your point, I find it awfully hard to believe that for the rest of your life, you will never watch a single video on YT. And while it’s obviously unacceptable to be using language like that on a widely-watched channel, people are right to be concerned about how it affects their bottom doesn’t

I’ll see your Cannibal Corpse and raise you a Morrissey song titles:

Don’t ever stop what it is that made you think to do this.

Die Hard wasn’t and isn’t a Christmas movie. It’s totally cool to like it, but it seems like it’s only been in the last few years people have taken it from regular action movie and tried to shoehorn it into the hallowed hall of Good Christmas Movies. Vacation, perhaps A Christmas Story, if you’re a millenial then I’ll

That’s great to know! So glad us “liberals” aren’t in charge of things, otherwise people would be getting paid using some other system, based on our feelings or something. Glad to know everyone’s salary always scales perfectly with how much training you have and how dangerous or difficult the job is, now that those

“we’d appreciate everyone’s prayers.”

Can confirm re: soccer baseball. Haven’t heard the term in a long time but it was definitely called that when I was a kid in S. Ontario.

Parkour is the rollerblading of the 2000s...or more correctly it would be, except rollerblading was cool for a while.

Great article, had no idea one guy had shot so many of those great shots. Very cool.

While I’m sure they’re perfectly wonderful people, just happening to survive a shipwreck doesn’t automatically make anyone great, nor does happening to be born in a particular era. Good for those 22 fellas, but this automatic “every single person in the military is a hero no matter what” is for the birds.

So it’s a OnePlus 5, but without a headphone jack, half the ram, and it costs $150 more? Alrighty.

There is some absolute gold in there. Also someone get Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon on the phone cause there’s like, every beer name they’ll ever need for Rick and Morty.

You’re right, except for the fact that the far better Olympics (the ones held in the winter) don’t work in any of those towns.

Another win for the family values party

+1 Herman Menderchuks

“an oath to defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic” 

I think the point he was trying to make was that marinades are essentially just sauces, and that letting something sit in a bath of whatever for hours doesn’t do much more than brushing it on 5 mins before. In my experience, that’s been the case as well most of the time. Absolutely love a great sauce of course, but I

*turns on the Pet Shop Boys*