
While both those guys (particularly Goodell) are far from universally loved, no one gets booed like Bettman does. Also the commissioner’s job is to oversee and promote as best he can, the game of hockey, not simply to be an errand boy for the owners, although in this case that’s largely what he’s done. To say his job

Oh sure season tickets are sold out for their first season, and maybe their 2nd, but we’ll see 5 or 6 years from now when they’ve been playing terrible hockey for a while with a bunch of players no one knows, and people are over the initial excitement of a new team and a nice building.

That drives me fucking nuts and I’m not even a Leafs fan. All you see are goddamn suits in the Platinum seats, it’s super bullshit. My parents live in Calgary, and one thing I absolutely love is when I’m in town and we get to a game, a) it doesn’t cost a billion fucking dollars and b) like EVERYONE is wearing a jersey

Windsor’s new slogan: “Possibly better shwarma than Ottawa!” Beats their current one: “Now only the 3rd smelliest city in Ontario, behind Sudbury and Hamilton!”

The only problem with all the succession stuff is that if it is indeed concluded that Trump won the election illegally (which is to say, he and others in the Republican leadership knew about and promoted Russian interference in the election), there’s no precedent to remove his entire cabinet and hold a new election,

Oh agreed, Pittsburgh with the Steelers in town (although we’ll what happens once Big Ben is gone) is a brutal hockey town. And I can’t even believe Phoenix still has a team, it’s an absolute joke and it is beyond stunning that they’ve lasted this long. Ditto for goddamn Vegas...what a fucking farce. Bettman is the

I’ll agree with you on Abdelkader...not real impressive stats. I think he had like 2 20 goal seasons or something but yeah, not even close to being worth the 4 something million a year he’s getting. And yes, the management has made some other cringeworthy decisions, but this kind of stuff is far from isolated to

ABSOLUTELY. Pitchers are still probably the biggest cause of delays, but sweet christ on a bike, fucking hitters taking a goddamn eon to step out, re-do their gloves, adjust their helmet and take 15 fucking mini-swings before the pitcher throws, holy fuck. Hitters get to step out ONCE and call for time ONCE and that’s 25 straight years of playoff appearances? Also I realize the Wings (or anyone else) aren’t in the same category as the 80s Isles or Oilers, but this is because the nature of the market now basically guarantees that no franchise can possibly keep a championship squad together for 4 years straight. I

Actually the Red Wings are rightly called a dynasty because of 4 championships in 11 years, but thanks for coming out. And 25 seasons in a row making the postseason is far from meaningless, only 2 teams have had streaks longer (and the Blues also had a 25 year run although no Cups to show for it). It implies a

Well hot shit, learn something new every day I guess. I remembered Sandy Koufax but that was about it. Interestingly, Ryan Getzlaf just got dinged for the same thing but it was 10 grand and no games but I suppose it’s the playoffs.

I think you’re semi-missing the point’s not that anyone necessarily thinks being gay is horrific, it’s simply that “fag” is unacceptable language. Similarly, if a player called another player a nigger, a spic, a kike (are there any Jewish players in MLB?), the resulting suspension would not because anyone

people who microwave coffee (Tim’s or otherwise) should have their coffee privileges revoked

Can confirm. Sarnia Wings fan who is the son and brother of Habs fans. (We’re not French but Dad was born near Montreal while my grandfather was stationed there.)

I still don’t understand why Bettman doesn’t just relent and give Hamilton their team...the Sabres perhaps would have a legitimate beef, but the Leafs are sold out until like 2075 regardless of their quality of play, not to mention most of those tickets are sold to giant corporations because they’re the only ones that

Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too? Go read a book, dipshit.

So what has to happen to get this turd out of office at this point? I feel like he could simultaneously rape an infant while strangling a puppy, in front of 1000 people in the Rose Garden and people would just be like “Oh, there he goes again! That crazy Trump! What a little troublemaker!”

Very true, if that was made the case you might get teams hiring goons just to go out and get suspended and take out some superstar.

If the rule is strictly about protecting fielders, that’s fine, but then only enforce it if a runner makes contact, or on review of the play, is deemed to have intended to injure the man making the play. If the fielder is indeed injured on the play, then the offending player’s suspension lasts for as long as the

Laws don’t tend to stop terrorists in any country, that’s not who they’re for. They’re there to try to guns out of the hands of regular citizens who think they need one for “protection,” who end up shooting a family member. Also, how I wish I was being hyperbolic; toddlers shot 58 people in the US in 2015, and as of