
Well hot shit, learn something new every day I guess. I remembered Sandy Koufax but that was about it. Interestingly, Ryan Getzlaf just got dinged for the same thing but it was 10 grand and no games but I suppose it’s the playoffs.

I think you’re semi-missing the point’s not that anyone necessarily thinks being gay is horrific, it’s simply that “fag” is unacceptable language. Similarly, if a player called another player a nigger, a spic, a kike (are there any Jewish players in MLB?), the resulting suspension would not because anyone

people who microwave coffee (Tim’s or otherwise) should have their coffee privileges revoked

Can confirm. Sarnia Wings fan who is the son and brother of Habs fans. (We’re not French but Dad was born near Montreal while my grandfather was stationed there.)

I still don’t understand why Bettman doesn’t just relent and give Hamilton their team...the Sabres perhaps would have a legitimate beef, but the Leafs are sold out until like 2075 regardless of their quality of play, not to mention most of those tickets are sold to giant corporations because they’re the only ones that

Stunned by the number of “Family Guy was good but I haven’t watched it in years” comments, just like the “Simpsons became patently unfunny the moment I graduated high school, whatever year that might be” people. Half the damn comments here are basically “I liked that band before it was cool, now they’re too

Whoa, regardless of your thoughts on MacFarlane (I personally enjoy his work immensely but I realize it’s not for everyone) but comparing him to BBT is just wildly unfair. It’s like the “worse than Hitler” of comedy. BBT is so fucking awful, it makes other shows less funny by being close to it on the schedule. I get

Did you go to Hollywood Upstairs Medical College too? Go read a book, dipshit.

So what has to happen to get this turd out of office at this point? I feel like he could simultaneously rape an infant while strangling a puppy, in front of 1000 people in the Rose Garden and people would just be like “Oh, there he goes again! That crazy Trump! What a little troublemaker!”

Very true, if that was made the case you might get teams hiring goons just to go out and get suspended and take out some superstar.

If the rule is strictly about protecting fielders, that’s fine, but then only enforce it if a runner makes contact, or on review of the play, is deemed to have intended to injure the man making the play. If the fielder is indeed injured on the play, then the offending player’s suspension lasts for as long as the

Laws don’t tend to stop terrorists in any country, that’s not who they’re for. They’re there to try to guns out of the hands of regular citizens who think they need one for “protection,” who end up shooting a family member. Also, how I wish I was being hyperbolic; toddlers shot 58 people in the US in 2015, and as of

Are you suggesting that if the French had been armed to the teeth, less people would have died? Because the 5,000+ gun deaths just this year (which we’re not even halfway through) in the US disagree with you. All you have to do is look at literally any other country in the world to see that gun laws do in fact work.

Thought it was somewhat ironic of you to mention “It’s amazing how many people in this country have never actually explored...” etc. It’s also amazing how literally the entire rest of the world seems to not murder its own population constantly when you make it very hard to own guns. But you’re probably right, a bunch

Gizmodo, keeping us up to date on the latest gadget and tech news, and literally whatever else they want to publish, relevant or not.

Anyone else think it’s wildly inappropriate to have a banner for winning a wild card spot? “Hey guys, remember the time we absolutely barely made the playoffs? Let’s commemorate that with a big fuck off banner.”

Enjoying things from your own youth is one thing, but grown adults reading Harry Potter is largely unprecedented on this scale and I have no idea why it’s not looked down upon more. If there was a 900 page Sweet Valley High tome, it still wouldn’t be OK to read it if you’re over the age of 12.

could not possibly star this harder

Yeah I’ve always stuggled with this...I’m a Georgia fan, so my natural enemies are (of course) Alabama, Auburn, LSU, and Florida, and to a lesser degree, Ole Miss, Miss State, Vandy and Tennessee...but I hear a lot of people, after their team is beaten or knocked out of a tournament, cheering for a rival team if that

Sweet lord, thank you Petchesky for a hockey story...two different series ended yesterday in dramatic fashion and still we have more stories about goddamn video games than the hockey playoffs. I realize it’s only the first round, but with all the overtime, the fact that the Leafs managed to do even half decent against