
I really hope you’re telling the truth. And I wanna hear that story.

Agreed...if you live in NYC, you can get food from absolutely anywhere on the planet, often in “fusion” with another kind of food, from somewhere else on the planet. There is no excuse. This is the city that gave us cronuts, FFS.

a) you’re a fucking dolt if your choice not to drink comes from a man whom you think lives in the sky and tells you what to do

Look out, I’m Hitler!

Maybe read the article next time, it happens twice. He mentions making EPA approvals for manufacturing plants more lax, so jobs don’t go to countries who have less strict environmental regulation, and then also mentions pulling out of the Paris Climate Accords.

Can’t it be both?

I gotta believe Dubya is sitting around the house right now with a big shit-eating grin on his face, knowing how good his legacy is gonna look in comparison now. You thought THAT guy couldn’t make a speech or form coherent sentences? All of a sudden he seems like a reasonable, well-spoken, downright likable fella.

Damn, David Duchovny, you’ve gone soft. Soft and weird.

In other news, apparently 50 million people CAN be wrong. What does this guy do again? Just regular stuff people already do, but on the internet? Who is entertained by this?

Anyone who buys or even uses one of these should have their overly-hopped 9 dollar bottle of craft brew taken from them and their stupid beard and suspenders. Go back to Williamsburg! Must you ruin everything we love???

Anyone who buys or even uses one of these should have their overly-hopped 9 dollar bottle of craft brew taken from

Price probably should have gotten a game misconduct but at the same time, I’m totally behind him for losing it if he’s getting run repeatedly.

Couldn’t we just call them really thin pancakes?

Sweet jesus that is absurd. Wonder why the guy has a couple of Stanley Cups, 2 Harts, a Conn Smythe, and an Olympic gold medal? Don’t.

You have hands down the best screen name I’ve seen in months. I have no response to your comment (other than I assume you’re the mayor of Atlanta or somewhere) but that made my damn day. My only edit is that I’d add “Rent-A-Car” at the end.

Promise me, fellow Deadspinners, that whenever it is I die, no one makes a fucking hashtag for it.

And um, how do you not notice you’re almost out of fuel? I’m aware that planes are fueled with sort “just enough” to get it to the destination to keep weight down, but this includes (unless someone screwed up) a safety factor to account for all kinds of changes (increase in headwind, emergency on the ground that makes

You have to get through his inauguration address first...should I bring the pound of Valium to your house, or are you coming to mine?

Well at least vegans are using their time wisely and calling attention to a real animal abuse issue...the fat of animals that were already dead, that now comprises a thousandth of a percent of the makeup of a currency that most of them don’t even use. I sort of miss the old vegans...but fuck whales I guess, THEY don’t

The Australians make the Canadian money, as well as the polymer notes for several other countries. So don’t worry, the fat they’re using is from wallabees and stuff! Or at least, the last fiver I ate tasted like wallabee...

Considering what shitholes Windsor and Detroit both are, not sure who won that battle in the long run.