Chuck Todd, Angela Rye and Anna Navarro are the best parts of cable news by far.
Chuck Todd, Angela Rye and Anna Navarro are the best parts of cable news by far.
The fandom itself has matured and gotten smarter, to be sure, but fans themselves look the same as ever and that’s what advertiser pay attention to more than anything. If you see a close-up shot of a Raw or Smackdown crowd, it’s virtually guarunteed that the handful of people you see will include at least four fat…
Holy shit.
H:ZD(as great as it is) over Nioh? Come on, guys.
You do realize that you were treating Ciri like a child and not the young adult she was, right? She had to learn to deal with her emotions and fight her own battles. You more or less held her hand for just about everything, like a dad who won’t let his kids play at a public park because they might skin a knee.
You do realize that you were treating Ciri like a child and not the young adult she was, right? She had to learn to deal with her emotions and fight her own battles. You more or less held her hand for just about everything, like a dad who won’t let his kids play at a public park because they might skin a knee.
“Tick- Tock” Tucker?
TLG is not a classic. I’m sorry and I hate saying that, but it just isn’t. It can’t b e until there’sa drastic overhaul to the caemera system and some addressing of the control issues.
Ryan Murphy is still working hard at his goal of turning FX into a gayer version of The History Channel
My brain misread the headline to read “imagine a reboot of The Hills starring the cast of ‘Kids’”. That’s... that’s quite the odd mental image.
Ralph Waldo B-Emerson?
As a diabetic, anything the show does with Scott Malkinson greatly amuses me, and seeing that his hero name is just “Captain Diabetes” just about made me pre myself. I can’t take all these dann delays on this game!
Fuck this motherfucking guy. He knows that if this were just about any other state, his ass would be in jail already.
I think the sex thing maybe had to do with Janet being a personification of all knowledge and not actually human.
Italian diver guy died like a month after doing that commercial, sadly. He was some legendary free diver, with world records and such.
If you’re concerned about how dense it all is, just play when you have a nice amount of free time to go at your own pace. If you’re like me, you’ll get to a point where everything about the game just clicks for you(for me, it was the first monster hunt mission), and from then on you don’t want to NOT be playing.
She didn’t win the Emmy last year, IIRC.
I’m pretty sure the Walk’s governing body can confer stars to people as well as accept payment for one. Viola really doesn’t seem like the type to pay for one like, say, Donald Trump almost certanly did.
Bewear is well-designed? Sounds like somebody needs a Persim berry.