He’s been diagnosed bipolar in the past, right? Might have(almost certainly) gone off of his meds.
He’s been diagnosed bipolar in the past, right? Might have(almost certainly) gone off of his meds.
Ooookay, time to recall this guy.
Aw man, if it wasn’t for Turner Broadcasting we could actually play Roy: A Life Well-Lived and Roy 2: Dave.
His name is Spark. That’s what you nickname your dog after already punishing him with the name Sparky. Because you live in a 50s sitcom.
Amy Adams is, all-around, the best actress in movies right now. Her being denied two well-deserved Oscar wins still irks me.
16K people attending a Trump rally in Florida isn’t so much newsworthy as it is completely expected.
The essential characters were either awesome(Piper, Curie, Nick, Dogmeat, Cogsworth) or crappy(Marcy, Preston, Strong, Father, Hancock), with almost no gray area except for the ones you just felt bad for like Mama Murphy and Phyllis.
The US names aren’t that... creative this time around(or last time, tbh). It’ll probably be something like Arrowl, in which case you’d almost have to nickname it Flynn.
I’ve had transplants in both eyes multiple times, as it’s a crapshoot whether you get good vision from a transplant or not(in my case, not yet :/). I currently have some serious coke-bottle lenses with directional prisms because I received a palsy from a lid-lift surgery that would have let me use contacts were it not…
Well, they did use the face of one for the ad...
Gah. Dude looks like the the unholy offspring of Eric McCormack and an ostrich.
I’m disappointed that some people are using one guy’s opinion on a movie they might have been interested in to completely influence them otherwise. Not surpised though.