Adam B

Bullet Club in Japan was booked like Peak nWo in every way — the interference and rulebreaking, the sarcasm, being the fave of smarks who like rooting for heels. They've never had that kind of dominance in WWE.


But we'd also like to see the Bullet Club reunited at some point. There's just a ton of AJ Styles matches I'd like to see — a weekly open challenge like what Cena did?

All the "Private Snafu" cartoons are on YouTube, as far as I know.

I guess, but they're at JttS level. New Day can always be elevated to a title feud.

All of Why We Fight is easily found on YouTube, and it's just fascinating filmmaking.

You send New Day to SDL so that each show has one Goofy Fun Tag Team.

I thought New Day's being the squash choice for Revival's debut was telling. They could've since Primo and Epico out there. I'd bet on their moving.

It's still a BOMAYE and I will not accept otherwise.

He did the same with Undertaker a few weeks before WM, ceding the floor to Reigns,

"I do yoga.". It's one of the best final challenges.

F2 with Lill, F3 in HvV.

I assume Strowman has a role in Taker-Reigns, and Harper (and Rowan) will participate in Wyatt-Orton.

Best moment of the night.

I remember Double Door quite fondly, and larger shows at Metro and (larger still) the Aragon, where I saw Sugar on my birthday one year.

I lived in Chicago 1994-1997, as Wicker Park/Bucktown were very much emerging. That movie has a very strong and correct sense of its place. (One of my craziest dates ever was during a Chills concert at Lounge Ax.)

For me, I had too many fond memories carted over from past Cusack roles to regard Rob as being as much of an asshole as the script requires him to be.

The only other film he's noticeable in before this is BOB ROBERTS, where he's one of the teen acolytes.

Oh, sHmUCK. I don't quite know what to say anymore.

It reads to me more like Smoove B, if he were a doctor, and Rabin's just leaving out the parts where he goes freaky-deaky.