He's my favorite of the brothers. He has the most range.
He's my favorite of the brothers. He has the most range.
Is it just me, or does the dude living next door look like a Xerox of a Xeroxed Wahlberg?
I felt the exact same way. The novel gets a lot of love, but it just seemed mediocre to me. And I am definitely its target audience.
You see, you can't make something intentionally terrible and expect it to be good. If that makes any sense. Love is a tangible thing. In order for a bad movie … or a TV show, in this case … to be wonderful, the filmmakers have to have really put their hearts in it. It's the failure that makes it funny, not all the…
Man, that album is great.
"Jurassic Bark." Skipped it yesterday, in fact. Never again, Futurama. Never again.
FACT: Every movie benefits from having that song play during the fade to end credits.
I'm with you. After hearing so many negative things about Dark Shadows, I actually found the movie to be pretty darn enjoyable.
Desert's definitely a great buy. My wife and I play it together and really enjoy it. By "play it together," of course, I mean "lose it together."
A great show; I'm glad it's back.
I feel the same when I go to Disney World and see that every ride is now sponsored by some third-party company. I mean, Disney World is, in and of itself, like a product designed to sell other products, but there's still a bit of — for lack of a better word — magic about the place. It's so seemingly self-contained,…
Our local Goodwill has a ton of Oakridge Boys albums and recently received a hefty donation of Barry Manilow.
Agreed. I watched the UK version first and absolutely loved it. Imagine my shock when I tried watching the US version afterwards. My reaction would have made Ramsay proud.
I loved how easily Hector was convinced to hop inside that giant tub of milk. He doesn't even really question it.
It's bizarre how much more than peeking Hector does before the whole thing starts rolling downhill. Most of us probably would have taken a look-see and been done with it. Hector apparently feels the need to go traipsing through the woods to find the girl. All because he made her take her clothes off to begin with, of…
That's probably right. It's been a while since I've seen it. I just remember him wrapping the thing around his head and then realizing [GASP] he's the bandaged man. I do agree that Hector's pretty stupid. Dude really clings to those binoculars, too. Probably a wedding present or something.
I'll back you in your hatred. After hearing so many great things about this movie, I found it massively disappointing. Not only was nearly everything predictable, but none of the characters acted in any manner resembling actual human behavior. SPOILER ALERT: I love the way Hector wraps the bandage around his entire…